The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2185: p picture p is crazy

   Chapter 2185 P picture p is crazy

   Moreover, if it is too complicated, he cannot understand it, and even if he understands it, he may not be able to express it.

   In short, Chu Shichen made a mistake himself, ran out from under the servant's eyelids, and found Su Mi by accident, but he himself could not tell Chu Zhuohang this huge misunderstanding.

  Chu Zhuohang laughed sternly: "So, you expect a child over a year old to perjury for you?"

  "..." Su Mi was dumbfounded, he was right, how could she expect others to believe in her?

   But in fact, she just didn't take his son away.

  The bodyguards came forward and held down Su Mi forcibly, to take out her ID card from her.

  Su Mi desperately protects her wallet, but although she is fat, her strength is very limited, how can she get benefits from so many bodyguards?

   After a while, the wallet was still taken out by the bodyguard, and the ID card was taken away by them.

   "Hey, give it back to me! Give me back the things!" Su Mi reached out and grabbed it.

   But where is she the opponent of these people?

Chu Zhuohang entered the elevator with Chu Shichen in his arms. He was already disgusted with this woman. If it wasn't for knowing that her mother was in the hospital for treatment, Chu Zhuohang would have been charged with taking away Chu Shichen. It's not as simple as asking her to leave her ID card.

  Su Mi watched helplessly as these bodyguards took her ID card away.


  Chu Zhuohang returned to Chu Shichen's ward and put the child who had already slept on the hospital bed.

  The bodyguard walked in and said in a low voice, "Master, the doctor said that there is nothing wrong with these foods, they are all safe and hygienic."

   "Well. Has the surveillance checked?" Chu Zhuohang would not put Chu Shichen in a dangerous situation, nor would he arbitrarily wrong others.

   If he finds out that the matter has nothing to do with Su Mi, he will return the ID card to her.

   "Something went wrong with the monitoring, which caused the screen not to be displayed. We have urgently dispatched specialized technicians, and I believe the results will be available soon." The bodyguard said, handing Su Mi's ID card up.

  Chu Zhuohang nodded and took the certificate from him.

   Her name is written on the certificate, Su Mi, which is a nice and well-behaved name.

   He is not very old, in his early twenties, which is a good time, Chu Zhuohang's overly fat face appeared in his mind, in his early twenties?

   It's hard to associate her with her age and name.

   took another look at her photo. The girl in the photo has a beautiful and refined face, bright facial features, and shining eyes.

   This photo is similar to herself except for the eyes, and the difference is as big as the difference between clouds and mud.

  Chu Zhuohang thought to himself: "Some women nowadays are really vain, and even their ID documents are beyond recognition, and they are crazy."

Thinking of that woman and her disgusting behavior, Chu Zhuohang was full of displeasure. If it proves that the matter has nothing to do with her, that's fine, if it proves that she intends to take Chu Shichen away to coerce himself into agreeing to her rude demands, She will definitely not be able to eat and walk around!

  The servant stood by and trembled and did not watch the young master. The young master did not know how much anger he had, and he did not know how he would punish him.

   She was really stunned just now, the young master turned her head and disappeared, but fortunately, she found it back, otherwise she wouldn't expect to be alive again, it's really Amitabha Buddha.

   (end of this chapter)

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