The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2195: Don't look at her a few times, it's a matter of respect for her

   Chapter 2195 Don't look at her a few times, it's respect for her

  Chu Zhuohang was moved by the emotions flowing in his eyes, and the frowning eyebrows slowly loosened.

   He admitted that there was really no way he could take this son by himself.

   Originally thought that he would not have too many feelings for him, but with his arrival, Chu Zhuohang's heart did change slowly.

   He will show tenderness towards this son more and more.

  Perhaps, this is what Shen Jingyu and the others call fatherly love.

  Su Mi came over soon. She slept well last night. Whether the others slept well or not is none of her business.

As soon as    arrived, Xiao Chen opened his arms and smiled at her, along with his eight teeth that had just grown.

   Xiao Chen, who has eight teeth, is as well-behaved as a cartoon character, and drools even when he smiles.

  Su Mi's heart was melted by his smile, and she reached out and hugged him in her arms.

  Chu Zhuohang couldn't help coughing lightly. His father, he had never been treated like this. A nanny who only appeared in Su Mi's mere area was actually treated like this?

   His son, isn't he a little bit too much?

Chu Zhuohang tilted his head and glanced at Su Mi. She really had nothing to do with being good-looking. She was too bloated and had a pile of flesh on her face. Although her hair looked black and shiny, because her hair was so beautiful, it was completely different from her whole body. The person is completely out of place, out of place, it seems that this is a wig, and it does not belong to her at all.

  Chu Zhuohang withdrew his gaze, he couldn't bear to look any more, looking at an ugly person less is to show her respect.

   On the other hand, Chu Shichen didn't dislike it at all, he giggled when he hugged her, and even played with her forehead.

  Doctor Fang looked at the two of them kindly, and couldn't help shaking his head secretly. It's a pity for this girl. Even though she is kind-hearted, in this secular world, I am afraid she has not suffered less malice from all directions.

  It is rare that she can still maintain her original intention and be so friendly.

   With Su Mi holding Xiao Chen, Dr. Fang quickly changed the medicine for him.

"Little Master, we're done." Su Mi put him away, seeing him looking at her eagerly, she couldn't bear it, so she turned to ask Chu Zhuohang, "Master, why don't I take the young master out for a walk? Let's go?"

   Xiao Chen couldn't fully understand what they said, but he didn't want Su Mi to leave.

   He stretched out the good arm, grabbed Su Mi's sleeve and swung it, as if afraid that she would leave.

   A pair of big eyes looked at Chu Zhuohang eagerly, as if he could speak, begging him to let Su Mi stay.

  Chu Zhuohang hesitated for a moment, then Doctor Fang said, "Young Master, Young Master is just a traumatic injury, as long as you pay attention to safety, you have no scruples."

   "Okay, take him out. Butler, find a suitable maid to follow Su Mi."

  Su Mi glanced at Chu Zhuohang, and it really was the eldest young master. She couldn't believe that she could take Xiaochen well, and she had to find someone to follow him.

   Also, for someone who has grown into a respectable face like her, it’s not just words that everyone has a sense of defense.

   "Also, housekeeper, let Aunt Wang not have to follow the young master in the future." Chu Zhuohang ordered.

   When Xiao Chen was injured and lost, Aunt Wang could not be blamed, but she was the old man of the Chu family, so Chu Zhuohang gave her three-point face in front of outsiders and did not hold her accountable.

   But in the future, it is definitely impossible to keep her by Xiaochen's side.

   (end of this chapter)

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