Chapter 2246 Can't be humane

   And now, when it was his turn to write the reasons for breaking off the marriage, he didn't know how to write for a while.

   Now Su Mi is gaining weight because of the year he was in a coma, Su Mi worked hard to give birth and take care of the sequelae he left behind, while Su Mi was still lying in the hospital...

  What he writes will show his wolf-heartedness.

   Chu Zhuohang's persecution put him on the coals at once.

  Chu Zhuohang glanced at his wrist, obviously impatient.

   "Write that you are not humane, you lost your ability as a man after a car accident." Su Mi said casually.

   "Su Mi, you!" Wu Juntang was deeply humiliated.

   It was humiliating enough to write down the divorce letter by hand, but Su Mi even humiliated him like that!

   The more he objected, the more Su Mi insisted: "Just write it like this, I've decided."

   Wu Juntang threw the pen fiercely: "I'm not going back! Let's see who can spend more!"

   He is a man. He married a few years earlier and married a few years later, without the slightest influence.

   It is Su Mi, who has been bound by this marriage contract, but he wants to see how long she can hold on!

   Chu Zhuohang, who was already a little impatient, saw him throw a pen and said lightly, "Are you sure?"

   "Su Mi must pester me, I admit it."

   "Are you sure?" Chu Zhuohang asked again.

   In his cold tone, Wu Juntang's reason returned, and his irritability also cooled down.

   Sweat dripped from his forehead.

   He really didn't dare to offend Chu Zhuohang, but he didn't know why Chu Zhuohang was so nice to Su Mi.

   After he found Su Mi in the hospital last time, he saw Chu Zhuohang whispering to Su Mi, and he had a premonition. He went to the previous hotel and found a photo between Su Mi and Chu Zhuohang.

  Su Mi is so ugly, Chu Zhuohang actually...

   Based on the man's understanding of men, he could see that Chu Zhuohang actually had some interest in Su Mi.

  If he keeps dragging on this matter, Chu Zhuohang seems to really attack him.

   His own company carried the entire fate of the Wu family, but in front of Chu Zhuohang, it was just a small company that could go bankrupt at any time.

   Wu Juntang grabbed the pen again and whispered, "I write."

   In the eyes of Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi, he wrote: "Because he is not humane and has lost some abilities, in order not to delay Su Mi's lifelong happiness, he hereby breaks off the marriage."

   When he wrote the words inhumane, Wu Juntang's hands trembled for a while.

   He did all the calculations, but he didn't even calculate that Chu Zhuohang would actually like Su Mi and let his plan fall through!

   After writing, he threw the divorce letter to Su Mi! Then turn around and go!

   "Mr. Wu, I don't want to see my photo anywhere. Su Mi's too." Chu Zhuohang said lightly, as if he was talking to an old friend.

   But how could Wu Juntang not hear the warning?

   However, even if Chu Zhuohang didn't speak, how could Wu Juntang dare to send his photos privately? Wu Juntang understood that the main point of Chu Zhuohang's warning was that he was not allowed to post photos of Su Mi.

  Chu Zhuohang actually cares about Su Mi!

   The face that Wu Juntang didn't want to take a second glance at, Chu Zhuohang regarded it as a treasure, but Wu Juntang, as a man, also knew the nature of a man - he always felt fresh to the type that he had never tried.

   It is estimated that Chu Zhuohang is also beautiful and **** and eats a lot, and occasionally wants to change his taste.

   (end of this chapter)

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