The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2254: satisfied to the extreme

   Chapter 2254 Satisfied to the extreme

   Thinking of this, Mother Su's eyes turned red again, but this time, it was no longer a pity that Wu Juntang and Su Mi broke up, but that she felt sorry for her daughter to be treated like that.

  The mood is different, and the mood is also completely different.

   "Auntie, you have a good rest first. I will come to see you soon." Chu Zhuohang said calmly, then turned around and walked out.

   "Okay, okay, you go to work first." Mother Su watched him out of the ward.

   She was extremely satisfied with the Chu Zhuohang in front of her.

  Su Mi is still outside the situation: "???"

   Who can tell her what just happened?

   Chu Zhuohang and his mother seemed to have reached a tacit agreement all at once, excluding her.

   "Mimi, cherish it well, this child looks good. But don't trust too much at the beginning, it is still the most important thing to protect yourself." Mother Su urged.

  "???" Su Mi's black question mark face.

   "People are pursuing you sincerely, you can accept it after checking if it is suitable. If it is really not suitable, don't drag them." Mother Su's three views were very righteous education.

  Su Mi took her hand: "Mom, you made a mistake, that's my employer. I'm helping take care of the children at his house now."

   "He has a child?"

   "Of course, so what were you thinking about just now?"

   "Having children is a bit more difficult, and it's not easy to be a stepmother, so mom doesn't try to persuade you. You grow up and have your own thoughts..."

  Su Mi sighed, okay, now my mother has fallen from one obsession to another.

   "Didn't the child say that he will come to see me again?" Mother Su said with a smile, she can't care about young people's affairs anymore, her daughter's own thoughts are the most important.

  Su Mi: "…"

  Su Mi didn't know what to say, but her mother's mood improved at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a while, she felt hungry and wanted to eat.

   finally made her feel relieved.

   She went out to buy food for her mother, and it happened that Chu Zhuohang also bought food for Xiao Chen.

   "Master, thank you just now for helping me out of the siege. But my mother seems to be thinking too much. Next time, it's better for you to make it clear to her. We are masters and servants."

   "Okay. But if the misunderstanding can make her recover sooner, I can make her misunderstand for a while longer."

  Su Mi was choked by her own saliva: "Don't do this, if she takes it seriously, where can I find another man to replace it in the future? Don't underestimate the persistence of elders to see their children get married."

   "You don't have to worry, I'm afraid your mother is not in good health and you don't have time to take care of Xiao Chen. So I'm willing to help you soothe your mother's mood."

  Su Mi knew that he had this in mind.

  Everything is for Xiao Chen.

  After Su Mi went back after shopping, Mother Su's mental state had recovered by most, and she kept urging her to go back to help Chu Zhuohang take care of the child.

   "I can do it, there are two other nurses here." Mother Su's voice was also strong, and she pulled Su Mi back, "Protect your body and money, don't be deceived."

  Su Mi laughed: "Mom, who do you think would lie to me now?"

   Mother Su also laughed: "But you still have money."

   She thought that Chu Zhuohang was only from a family similar to Wu Juntang's. He had a small company and lived a prosperous life. The money in Su Mi's hand was not a small amount for them.

  Su Mi nodded: "Okay, I will protect my wallet."

   (end of this chapter)

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