Chapter 2263 No problem

   "No matter which store or what she goes into next time, you can arrange it in advance and let someone receive it." Chu Zhuohang arranged.

Yes, he found the answer for his own arrangement. He didn't want to see Su Mi unhappy, unhappy nanny who couldn't take good care of Xiao Chen. If Xiao Chen was not taken care of, he would be very irritable. It will affect your work and make yourself very irritable.

  Su Mi is unhappy = I am very irritable.

   So I let Xiao Zhan take care of Su Mi, no problem.

  Xiao Zhan nodded: "Okay, I know the young master."

   He thought about the same as Chu Zhuohang. When Su Mi was happy, the young master would be happy. If the young master was happy, the young master would be happy. If the young master was happy, he would do his job well, and he would be happy too.

   So Su Mi is happy = I am happy, I help the young master to take care of Su Mi, there is nothing wrong.

  Wei Yuxin finished swiping the card and said to Su Mi, "Mimi, in fact, at night, I want you to do me a favor and meet with Sister Cao with me."

   "You and Sister Cao are not already working together, what am I going to do?"

"Because..." Wei Yuxin hadn't actually signed with Sister Cao yet, of course she wanted Sister Cao to see Su Mi, but she couldn't say that, "Because I also recommended you to Sister Cao, Let her sign the two of us. I still want to work with you."

   The bottom of Su Mi's eyes was a little cold, and now Wei Yuxin said, she was skeptical.

   A "good girlfriend" who stole his fiancé and his job opportunity, will he still have good intentions?

  Su Mi is no longer in the mood to be sad. The only thing she can do is to protect herself and not be used by Wei Yuxin anymore.

   is very good, then she wants to go and see, what else can Wei Yuxin bring herself to see Sister Cao!

   It is absolutely impossible for Wei Yuxin to reuse even a single strand of hair.

   "So let's do a hairstyle, put on makeup, etc. Let's go see Sister Cao together." Wei Yuxin suggested.

Even if Su Mi did her hair and makeup, she would definitely look much uglier than herself. Besides, Su Mi's voice was already ruined, and she couldn't sing any good songs anymore. Wei Yuxin would also help people without hesitation. She wears makeup.

  Su Mi agreed.

The shopping guide who helped Wei Yuxin choose just now has not left. Hearing Wei Yuxin say this, he smiled and said, "Miss Wei, in fact, we now have custom makeup and hairstyle services in our store. It's in the store next to us. This is our store. The newly developed business here, Miss Wei can try it out, the previous styles of several female anchors in Jingyuan were made in our store."

   Wei Yuxin was very moved and replied, "Then let's stay in your store. Help me bring Su Mi together."

"Miss Wei, you've come right, this design shop is newly opened by our boss. It just opened a few days ago, and we invited a very famous designer to come and sit here. Usually, others don't have the honor to meet him. .It just happened to let him design it for you today."

  Wei Yuxin is also full of expectations, she really needs a good look to see Sister Cao.

  The shopping guide took Wei Yuxin and Su Mi to the next store.

  The shopping guide smiled and said, "Miss Wei, the current chief designer in our store is named Allen. He came back from abroad and has his own opinions on makeup. I will ask him to do the styling and makeup for you."

   (end of this chapter)

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