The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2265: Not responsible for 100,000 why

   Chapter 2265 Not responsible for one hundred thousand why

  Wei Yuxin shook his hand and left.

The shopping guide was very surprised. Allen has always been very arrogant. He would never have appeared in this kind of store, and he would have styled people casually because the owner of the clothing store wanted to get more business and opened this style shop. Dad told Grandma to invite Allen to come to sit in the town for the past few days.

  Allen actually invited Su Mi on his own initiative? Invite a babysitter?

   If it wasn't for the fact that Allen was usually very picky about customers, the shopping guide would have doubted his eyes!

   "Anything else?" Allen glanced at the shopping guide with a cold attitude.

   "No, no... Mr. Allen, you are busy, you are busy." The shopping guide did not dare to discuss anything with Allen, but was really strange in his heart, why did he do this to Su Mi.

   Could it be that Su Mi turned out to be some hidden big money?

   Or, what is Su Mi's wife? Because many bosses didn't have much money when they were young, so the wives they married were very average. When they became bosses, their regular wives generally became fat and ugly like this.

  The more the shopping guide thinks about it, the more likely it is that this possibility is very high. Otherwise, with Allen's temperament, how could he take the initiative to invite Su Mi? He must have seen Su Mi's identity.

   Allen said to the staff next to him: "Go to the store next door and help Miss Su bring a set of clothes, this style."

   He directly handed over the booklet in his hand. Although Su Mi is fat, some sizes can still be worn.

  Su Mi reached out and handed over her vvvip card and said, "Please use my card, I'm sorry."

When she took out her card, the shopping guide's intestines were going to be regretful - Wei Yuxin used a VIP card, while Su Mi used a three-V card, which meant that Su Mi was in the store every year. The consumption limit is at least three times that of Wei Yuxin!

   She was really clumsy, she didn't even see that Su Mi had such an identity!

  It's no wonder that although Wei Yuxin said that Su Mi was a nanny behind her back, in fact, in front of Su Mi, she kept calling Mi Mi and Mi Mi affectionately.

   The shopping guide seemed to understand something. Maybe Wei Yuxin was Su Mi's nanny. People who were bossy and arrogant outside had never been someone with real status.

   When the shopping guide returned to his store, he told the other shopping guides what he saw. Everyone secretly regretted that they had received a fake big money, but let go of the real big money, and couldn't help sighing.

   Allen helped Su Mi trim her hair, nodded and said, "The hair quality is not bad."

   "Mr. Allen, don't you think it's too difficult to style me?" Su Mi asked self-consciously.

   "Who made me agree to Chu Zhuohang?"

  Su Mi was taken aback: "Who did you promise?"

   "I promised Chu Zhuohang to help you with styling. Or else? Do you think it's because the phone isn't fun or the game isn't good, so I'm here to style you?" Allen rolled his eyes.

   "Master Chu asked you to help me with styling? Why?" Su Mi asked in surprise.

   "How do I know why, I'm only in charge of styling, not 100,000 whys."

  Su Mi was amazed, how did Chu Zhuohang know that he was here, and how could he ask someone to help him?

   This has nothing to do with your work, right?

   Could it be that he despised himself for being too unkempt and affected the overall image of the Chu Family Manor?

   This is possible.


  Chu Zhuohang: Don't talk nonsense, I didn't.

   (end of this chapter)

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