Chapter 2288 Slander

   This Rolls-Royce came to pick up Su Mi!

  Wei Yuxin couldn't believe her eyes.

   But before she could see what the driver looked like, Su Mi had already gotten into the car, and the car sped away like an arrow from the string.

  Wei Yuxin followed two steps forward, but could only see a piece of dust stirred up by the car, other than that, there was nothing.

   She gritted her teeth, and frantic jealousy emerged in her heart for all the things in front of her.

   Why can Su Mi always get something better than herself? Even she is so fat now that someone is willing to drive a Rolls Royce to pick her up!

   Wei Yuxin wanted to step on Su Mi under her feet, but she could never step on it.

   She thought about it secretly, but in fact, she was holding Su Mi's black material in her hand. A year ago, she still remembered the birth of a child.

  If this black material is released, then Su Mi will definitely die without a place to be buried... Not to mention that she will stay in the entertainment industry, even in real life, her reputation will be ruined.

   It's just that Su Mi's childbirth has something to do with her. If it really breaks out, she won't be able to get rid of it at that time, and her sinister intentions will also be exposed to the public.

   Therefore, Wei Yuxin can't take the risk to do this, nor can he take advantage of this scandal to suppress Su Mi.

   Wu Juntang's new BMW drove over and received Wei Yuxin.

   Seeing Wei Yuxin's bad expression, he asked gently, "What happened?"

   "I'm fine myself, but I'm a little worried about Su Mi. Su Mi...she may be taken care of by some old man, and a luxury car will come to pick her up today."

   Wu Juntang's expression froze, he did not expect that the people who came to pick up Su Mi would be Xiao Zhan and Chu Zhuohang.

   Although he had seen Chu Zhuohang helping Su Mi, he thought it was just the employer's help for Su Mi, not to mention how could Chu Zhuohang love Su Mi so much?

   "Why is she so selfish?" Wu Juntang said angrily.

  Although he no longer loves Su Mi, he still hopes that Su Mi will be able to get out of this relationship after a while, and hope that she can love herself a little longer.

"Maybe she feels that her appearance is not very attractive, so one counts as one, as long as people are willing to pay for her, she is willing to agree. There was an old man fan before, who gave her a lot of money. Su Mi also accepted a generous gift from him." Wei Yuxin said with added enthusiasm.

   She knew that her appearance and ability were not as good as the former Su Mi, so she hoped that the sooner Wu Juntang let go of Su Mi, the better.

   Of course, the current Su Mi, she did not consider this as a competitor at all.

   Soon, she can crush Su Mi step by step until she completely drives Su Mi out of her life.

  Wu Juntang originally wanted to make a phone call to persuade Su Mi, but she was afraid that she would provoke Su Mi and make her think that she had no more love for her, so she gave up this plan.

   "Don't think so much, let's go eat." He said.


  Su Mi got into Xiaozhan's car, only to find that Chu Zhuohang was also in the car.

   "Young master is there too?" Su Mi guessed that they were on the way and just picked her up.

  Chu Zhuohang glanced at her sideways, a wicked look flashed in his eyes, and said lightly, "I'm here to pick you up."

   "Thank you." Su Mi showed a smile, "Then please let me down in front of Xiaozhan. I'll go to the hospital to see my mother. When I come back a little later, I can accompany the young master."

   (end of this chapter)

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