Chapter 2298 Cruel competition system

  If the PK fails, it means leaving the stage completely.

   So the slogan of this show is: "If you love him, keep him."

  Wei Yuxin also happened to stay in the safety zone of the top twelve.

The last eight of    began to choose who they wanted to PK.

   Everyone will choose according to their own ability and the ability of the other party to ensure that they can smoothly enter the next round.

   The first twelve do not want to be selected, because every time they are selected, they increase the risk of being eliminated.

  Especially Wei Yuxin, never wanted to be chosen.

   She was able to come to the show because Wu Juntang used his personal resources to send her in.

   But with the current fairness of the program team and the cruelty of the whole process, I am afraid that she will not be able to protect her in the future.

   If she is really selected for PK, the risk of being eliminated is too great.

   She secretly prayed in her heart that she would not be drawn.

  Su Mi's mood is calm. If she is selected for PK, then she will do her best, and she will have one more chance to show herself, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

   is not chosen, then enjoy the performance of others safely.

   She found that, in fact, among this group of people, there are also many good singers. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and they can learn from each other, instead of fighting with each other.

   The host announced: "The eight players who are currently behind in the ranking have already chosen their PK targets. Those who have been selected include vitamin supplements, the little prince of sunshine... and the national treasure panda."

   Wei Yuxin secretly rejoiced that she would not be chosen, and Su Mi was already the eighth name to be called.

   But before she could think about it, the host called her: "Beautiful little flowers. Everyone, prepare well, PK is live broadcast."

  Because it is a live broadcast, it must be played well at one time, and there is no chance of recovery.

   The first six groups of players quickly finished PK, and some people in the candidate area won and were promoted smoothly; some failed the challenge in the candidate area and were completely eliminated.

   It's Su Mi's turn.

   Her opponent is a girl with a very sweet voice, which is exactly the kind that is very popular in the market at the moment, which actually put a lot of pressure on Su Mi.

   The other party chose a sweet song, and after singing it, he received applause from the audience.

   Viewers who watched the live broadcast also expressed their liking for this sound in the barrage.

   "This voice is so sweet, she must be a beauty, I'm a fan of her!"

   "Yes, yes, I want to keep her!"

   "Mom, I'm falling in love just listening to this voice! I'm going to borrow my phone to vote!"

  Chu Zhuohang put down the document in his hand and narrowed his eyes slightly.

   It could be seen that the other party put a lot of pressure on Su Mi.

   He stared slightly, staring at Su Mi coming to the stage.

   In fact, although he was a little worried, he really wanted to know, what song would Su Mi choose to deal with?

   Until the host announced, everyone knew that Su Mi directly chose a song "Flammable and Explosive".

   Standing on the stage, Su Mi, who was covered from top to bottom, shocked the audience with the first sound: "Hope-"

   A long note that makes the whole mind concentrate in her voice.

   One note behind, the song behind pours out—

   "I hope I'm crazy, and I hope I don't live alone,

  Thinking of me being cold and beautiful, and thinking of me being frivolous and mean,

  I want sunshine, and I want my style not to shake..."

  Su Mi's voice is very suitable for the explosive power of this song.

   (end of this chapter)

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