The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2300: Why would Chu Zhuohang be angry?

   Chapter 2300 What will Chu Zhuohang be angry about?

   "Master, it's you."


  Su Mi got into the car according to the words, and she was still in a high mood.

   She has performed live broadcasts many times before, but this is the first time she sings in the live broadcast in front of a national TV audience, in front of so many people.

   She found that she liked this feeling very much and enjoyed it very much.

   The feeling of being able to share your voice with others after a long absence is really great.

   Subconsciously, still immersed in the singing, humming softly.

   "Come with me to eat something." Chu Zhuohang said.

   "Aren't you going to go back to accompany Xiao Chen?" Su Mi tilted her head and asked.

   "His aunt came to pick him up today, and she may stay there for a few days." Chu Zhuohang nodded.

   is actually because he was afraid that Xiao Chen would be too sticky to Su Mi, which would affect her performance during this period.

   So when Chu Ning proposed to take Xiao Chen away, Chu Zhuohang agreed without any opinion.

  Su Mi tilted her head: "I will miss him."

  Chu Zhuohang took a serious look at her, she really wasn't pretty, but she was really cute and lively.

   made him look at it a few more times.

  Chu Zhuohang chose a riverside location, ordered fish, and ate on a fishing boat.

   When he and Su Mi entered, many people looked at them both.

  Chu Zhuohang himself is good-looking, and attracting people's attention is expected.

  However, Su Mi is a little too beautiful.

   Such a good-looking man walking with an ugly woman can always arouse people's curiosity.

   Some people even whispered, "This is not a pair, the woman must be an assistant."

   "I think so too. Maybe it's an assistant like this that the man's wife specially finds for him, so that they don't fall in love."

   There was laughter all around.

  Chu Zhuohang's face changed slightly, Su Mi hurriedly said softly: "Forget it, don't be angry, it's no big deal."

After    finished speaking, he felt that his words were strange, why would Chu Zhuohang be angry? Obviously it's you who should be angry.

  Su Mi was about to say the next sentence when the phone rang and she hurriedly picked it up.

   It turned out to be Mother Su.

   She staggered unsteadily, and under the astonished eyes of everyone, Chu Zhuohang caught her and took her into his arms.

  Su Mi stood firm, and her face suddenly turned red.

   Not only because of this intimate action, but also because of the eyes and all kinds of strange laughter coming from all around.

  Chu Zhuohang took Su Mi's hand, his eyes were calm, and his expression was calm, as if this was an unusual thing.

   Seeing his gaze, the people around him felt that his remarks and laughter were too boring, so they all withdrew their gazes and stopped talking.

  Mother Su said on the phone: "Mimi, your aunt said that the community we live in was stolen, so you should go back and see if there is any problem with our house. You have to go back."

   "Okay, I'll go back now." Su Mi replied.

   hung up the phone, only then did he feel that his left hand was grabbed by Chu Zhuohang.

   His palms were warm and dry and powerful.

   The unexpected red color climbed up her face again, and Su Mi hurriedly pulled out her hand.

  Chu Zhuohang's hands were empty, and he said calmly, "I'm afraid you will fall into the river."

   It didn't take long for him to hold her, but he didn't feel any discomfort. Instead, he held her hand, feeling peaceful and natural.

   (end of this chapter)

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