The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2302: It's so kind of you

   Chapter 2302 You are so kind

   She is very soft and feels very comfortable to hold.

  Chu Zhuohang was a little reluctant to let go.

  Su Mi pleaded in a low voice: "Can you find it and kill it? When I think of cockroaches in the house, I won't dare to enter the door in the future."

  Although this requirement is a bit excessive, asking the dignified Chu family's eldest young master to fight cockroaches is really overkill.

   But Su Mi didn't dare to do it herself, and she was afraid of cockroaches to death, so she had no choice.

  Chu Zhuohang had to let go of her first, and he couldn't bear to hear her aggrieved voice.

   "Yes." Chu Zhuohang found the tissue and looked for the traces of cockroaches.

  Su Mi covered her eyes with both hands and dared not look.

   After a while, she felt Chu Zhuohang pat her head gently, and said in a low voice, "Okay."

  Su Mi dared to open her eyes, "Where is it?"

   "It has been disposed of. Put it in the trash can. I'll take it out later." His eyebrows were warm and his voice was soft.

  Su Mi patted her chest gently: "Thank you, young master, you are so kind."

   was also willing to offer her a favor to catch cockroaches.

  Chu Zhuohang smiled, this experience was quite novel, he thought it was good.

   It's just that every time I hold Su Mi, it's too short, she will leave quickly, this experience is not very good.

  Su Mi inspected the entire house, and it was basically fine. Her father's relics, those books, paintings, etc., were all still in good condition.

   It seems that someone's house was stolen in the community, but Su Mi's house has not been affected.

   "It's alright, then let's go back. I've troubled you for so long. I'll treat you to dinner." Su Mi said.

  Chu Zhuohang readily agreed.

   He carried a garbage bag with cockroaches in it and walked out the door with Su Mi.

   As soon as he went out, a slightly sharp voice sounded, saying: "Su Mi, are you back?"

  Su Mi saw that it was her aunt who lived in the same community as her.

  This aunt is not a bad person, she just slaps her as soon as she speaks, and especially likes to compare herself with Mother Su. She is secretly focused on everything, and Su Mi doesn't like her very much.

  Su Mi greeted politely and said, "Auntie, I'll come back to see if the house has been stolen."

"Then you have to take a good look. In this community, dozens of thieves have entered. I just said to call your mother and ask you to come back and take a good look. In case something is lost, It's better to call the police early and find a property for compensation."

   "I've read it, no problem." Su Mi smiled, "If it's all right, I'll leave."

   "Don't go." My aunt stopped Su Mi, "Your cousin has a boyfriend, and she was just saying that she wanted to invite your uncle and me out to dinner. It's a rare encounter, so let's go together."

   "No aunt, I still have something to do..." Su Mi declined.

   But Auntie refused to hold Su Mi forcibly.

  Auntie likes to compete with Mother Su in everything. It used to be the case, and it is even more so now.

   Besides, both aunt and mother Su are carrying an only daughter, so the family background is better than the husband, and the husband is better than the daughter.

   In the past 20 years, the main object of comparison between Aunt and Mother Su has been their daughter.

   What school did your daughter get into, what did she study, what good job did she find, what good boyfriend did she find?

   In the past, my aunt was beaten more than once. Not only was Su Mi beautiful and good grades, she was admitted to a very good school with smooth sailing, and even relied on live broadcasts early to accumulate a rich net worth.

   (end of this chapter)

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