The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2327: high-level performance

   Chapter 2327 Difficult interpretation

   After she spoke, Wei Yuxin breathed a sigh of relief.

   Because "Flower and Fire" is not a sweet song, but a very difficult song.

   The host couldn't help but say: "There are many songs that are better than this song in the alternative playlist, are you sure?"

   "Very sure." Su Mi said seriously.

   Her voice has not recovered to the previous level. After she sang two sweet songs with falsetto in the last issue, the pressure on her voice was already enormous.

   Now she has to let her voice recuperate, and she can only sing songs in the comfort zone of her voice, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Zhuo Yan's song has a fast and slow rhythm, and the fluency is very high. Moreover, its chorus part also requires extremely high ventilation. It is difficult for singers who have not undergone professional practice to sing completely. Sure?"

   "Sure." Su Mi was still confident.

   She glanced at Zhuo Yan under the stage, which was why she wanted to thank Zhuo Yan for his special comfort to her last time.

   Besides, if you choose a sweet song by yourself, your chances of winning the battle against Wei Yuxin are not high. Only with a song that is very difficult to interpret can you conquer the audience whose appetite has already been raised.

   "Okay, please prepare the national treasure panda to sing Zhuo Yan's "Flowers and Fire"."

  The National Treasure Giant Panda appeared on stage.

   She picked up the microphone, and as soon as she opened her mouth with a highly recognizable and extremely comfortable smokey voice, the judges in the audience felt satisfied.

   "This is the flower of love, the fire of hatred, the setbacks intertwined with emotions..." Su Mi sang in a low voice, and she easily controlled the chorus part that was extremely difficult to sing.

  Wei Yuxin's hands are getting tighter and tighter, and I just hope that the public will give Su Mi a low score! Or, Su Mi made a mistake and was rejected by the judges.

   But Su Mi sang very steadily, and the high-pitched part was even more stable: "The nostalgia of all things, the lingering of life is not worth the flowers and fire you gave..."

   The applause from the audience followed. It was really comforting to hear such a difficult performance and sing so well at the scene.

   Several judges also nodded frequently.

   Especially Zhuo Yan, his songs have always been highly recognizable, because many of the songs he wrote and sang for himself, with his strong personal style, are difficult to imitate and cover.

   But Su Mi did not imitate, but brought her own style. She brought this emotionally intense song with her own inherent innocence and cheerfulness. It should sound comfortable and lively without feeling abrupt.

   The number of votes cast by the audience outside the venue came out, and Wei Yuxin was slightly higher than Su Mi.

   I have to say that Su Mi's appearance does limit her development.

   You must know that when her appearance was not announced, when she sang several times, the votes were far ahead, not to mention compared with Wei Yuxin, compared with other players with stronger ability and better performance, she also won a lot.

   But since her appearance was known, her votes became a little erratic.

In performing arts like today, both the judges and the host felt that winning the entire music scene is also a battle. Compared with the performance of the slightly immature contestants on the scene, Su Mi is already a very mature singer with a very powerful ability. .

   But just like that, compared to Wei Yuxin, who was mediocre, he was pulled down a lot in the number of votes.

   Now, if she can successfully PK Wei Yuxin, it depends on the sum of the scores given by the judges and the number of votes, whether her score is higher than Wei Yuxin.

   (end of this chapter)

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