The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2339: Fan behavior, idols pay the bill

   Chapter 2339 Fan behavior, idols pay the bill

  Su Mi and other players were surrounded by fans as soon as they came out.

  Today's final, like every previous final, will give a lot of votes to fans and let them come to the scene to cheer.

   They gathered together, broke through the protection measures of the program group, and came to the backstage.

   As soon as he saw Su Mi's iconic figure and appearance, they rushed over together and said loudly, "National treasure panda, you are so shameless, quit the competition!"

   "That is, even if you win the game, you are not allowed to choose my male **** Zhuo Yan, and you are not allowed to cooperate with him."

   "Yes, you are not allowed to choose Xiao Yanming, and you are not allowed to cooperate with him."

   "Smelly shameless, relying on betrayal of the body to be superior."

  Some people even threw the sundries in their hands towards Su Mi.

Among the crowd, the bodyguards arranged by Chu Zhuohang quickly surrounded Su Mi and protected her.

   But a water bottle thrown by a fan smashed directly at the cameraman. He was carrying the camera and turned his back to this side, so he did not dodge.

  Su Mi saw this scene and reached out to help the cameraman to block it.

   Her hand was smashed, and it was suddenly bent and could not straighten normally.

   It was precisely because of this scene that everyone became quiet all of a sudden.

   The cameraman also found out that Su Mi helped him to block this, and was very moved. He was just an ordinary staff member, but Su Mi was willing to help him like this.

   He suddenly felt so cowardly when so many people bullied a girl without even speaking.

   "Everyone, stop crowding! What is bullying a weak woman? If it goes on like this, I'll call the police! You hurt people, and you can't get rid of them!" the cameraman asked loudly.

   Everyone backed away when they saw that someone was hurt.

  Su Mi calmed down and looked at everyone calmly.

   Although she is fat, when you look at it up close, her eyebrows and eyes are very moving, and when she looks at people calmly, she can see the strength in her eyes.

She said loudly: "What are you doing today? You are here to support your idols, aren't you? But look what you are doing now, ignoring the rules of the show crew and appearing backstage, scolding others loudly, and you still have money in your hands. Wearing your idol's support object, if you are photographed and used by someone with a heart, do you think in the end you will pay for it, or your idol will pay for it?"

  Everyone was silent.

   Indeed, the behavior of fans and the payment of idols are already unbreakable truths in the entertainment industry.

   Tomorrow, maybe others won't say what fans rushed to the backstage and hurt people.

   Instead, he would say that an idol of so-and-so did not manage his fans well, and he encouraged his fans to make trouble, which made the show murky, and would say that an idol of so-and-so is really a brainless person, and there are fans who have idols.

  Then their actions today are not seeking justice for their idols, but discrediting their idols.

"I believe that it is not easy for everyone to watch a live broadcast, and I believe that everyone who can come to this place has their own ability to distinguish. I believe in you more, you have faith in your heart, and your idol is a good young man in the entertainment industry. Will be carried by the smog in this circle.

   It is precisely because of their excellence that they are worthy of your love. It is because you have this belief and support them wholeheartedly that they can go further. "

   (end of this chapter)

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