Chapter 2347 The mentality collapsed

  Chu Zhuohang also listened quietly.

   Although there are many high notes, she sings lightly and is very comfortable and pleasant.

   His estranged expression became warm, and there was a splendid brilliance at the bottom of his eyes.

  Su Mi, very good, even better than he imagined.

   He knew the shining points under her ordinary appearance, more than ordinary people knew.

   After Su Mi sang, the audience burst into applause.

  Guo Xia has always been very stable, but now she can't help but panic.

   In fact, she is under a lot of pressure, because she has been taught by famous teachers and has been exposed to the teacher's light, she has already sent a lot of manuscripts to praise herself.

   Teacher also has high hopes for himself.

   And if the performance is not good, it will be slapped in the face one by one, and it will also be slapped on the teacher's face.

   At this moment, she was nervous and her hands were shaking.

In fact, when the competition has reached this level, there is not much difference in everyone's singing skills. It can only be said that the styles and singing methods are different, but in essence, it is no longer who is higher and who is lower, but who can perform in On the stage, show your best side to the audience and bring the audience an ultimate auditory feast.

  Whoever can sing his own style steadily will be favored by the audience.

   Actually, the audience is very friendly to Guo Xia. After all, she knows that her teacher is good and she studies well.

   On the contrary, a contestant like Su Mi, who chooses different songs every time and has a changeable style, is a little disadvantaged, because everyone expects her to become more, which invisibly raises the expectations for her.

   And everyone's expectation for Guo Xia is her steady performance.

   Guo Xia understands the truth.

   But just as many people understand a lot of great truths, they still can’t live a good life.

   Guo Xia is also having a hard time calming down at the moment.

   When she got to the stage, the first note inevitably made a little mistake.

   Originally, this little mistake is not a big problem, and the judges will deduct at most a few tenths of a point. Not a very professional audience, you can't even hear any difference at all.

   But Guo Xia's mentality collapsed. As soon as this little mistake appeared, her whole mood collapsed.

The tune behind   , which was originally very easy to sing, was too mediocre by her.

  Although she turned the tide and still played a very good level in the treble area, the handling of the whole song caused the rhythm to be a little chaotic, and it didn't sound so popular.

   Guo Xia completely collapsed.

   The scores were naturally the same as their performance, and Su Mi won.

  The audience gradually returned to their senses after seeing their faces for a short period of time. Besides, on the stage, everyone wore masks, and many people still tended to choose people with real talent.

  Guo Xia is out!

  Su Mi looked at her back and smiled.

  Actually, with Guo Xia's strength, it is not a problem at all to reach the top four.

  It is a pity that she must use improper means to test herself off the court.

  Su Mi will of course choose to fight back and send her away directly.

   This method of using reasonable rules to seek justice for herself made Su Mi almost spit out the bad anger in her heart.

  Chu Zhuohang couldn't help but secretly admire that Su Mi was smarter than he imagined, and she was even more angular.

   She is very kind and will not take the initiative to bully anyone, but she will not let those who bullied her feel at ease.

   The bottom of his eyes became even thicker.

   The rest of the game, because everyone was very relaxed and performed well.

   (end of this chapter)

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