Chapter 2356 Slandering Su Mi

  Chu Zhuohang has to come forward now, but also for himself.

   He has done too much for himself.

  Chu Zhuohang saw that her expression changed slightly, and said flatly: "Eat, if a moth like Guo Xia is caught, it will not only pay you back, but also give justice to the student who was treated unfairly."

After dinner, Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi went to the teacher's own studio together.

  The teacher's surname is Zhou, he is in his fifties, and his mental state is very good. He looks like he is only forty years old. It can be seen that he is a person who is very demanding of himself.

   He and Guo Xia are talking on the phone.

  Guo Xia thanked him on the phone and said, "Mr. Zhou, it's really thanks to you, otherwise, an orthodox singing method like ours would be degraded by Su Mi."

   "Su Mi belittled us?" Teacher Zhou was particularly unhappy, "She's a wild way, I didn't say anything about her, how could she say that about us?"

"That's right, that's what I said, but Su Mi is very proud, saying that our singing of pharaohs is outdated, it sounds disgusting, and it's an old antique. She also said that she will subvert us in the future. Don't talk about you. , even the teacher Zhao Zengzhen at the scene, she doesn't like it."

   Teacher Zhou remembered that Su Mi had rejected Zhao Zengzhen, and there was indeed such a thing.

   Guo Xia is his lover again, of course he believes in Guo Xia but not Su Mi.

Guo Xia continued: "Mr. Zhou, I will definitely perform well when recording the album this time, and I will never let Su Mi look down on it. I am just afraid that she will make some black material to blacken me in the future. , I'm afraid she will slander you. After all, the way they do in the entertainment industry is completely different from those of us who are serious about learning to sing. Moreover, she is very good at both sides and maintains improper relationships with many men. …”

Teacher Zhou said: "Then let her let her go! Are we still afraid that she won't succeed? You sing your song well, don't care about those black materials. Don't learn to talk about others. Doing too much injustice will kill yourself. , she will suffer in the future."

  Guo Xia secretly rejoiced that her slander of Su Mi was a success.

  Mr. Zhou is a decent person, and especially dislikes the tricks of others.

   Teacher Zhou has an opinion on Su Mi. With Teacher Zhou's influence in the music world and resources all over the world, people of his faction will not give Su Mi good fruit to eat in the entertainment industry in the future.

  Su Mi, you have to fight with me, you are still a little tender!

   Teacher Zhou ended the call with Guo Xia and was very angry.

   He loves his career very much, and has always been proud of his orthodox singing style, but he was denied by a young man who was just starting out. How could he be happy?

  Su Mi and Chu Zhuohang are here, please let the assistant inform him.

   Teacher Zhou was angry with Su Mi. He heard that it was Su Mi who came to see him. He was very unhappy and said, "No, let her go back where she came from."

   He is learning the orthodox singing method, and he is not very interested in Su Mi's wild ways, nor does he like it very much.

In addition, Su Mi deliberately PK lost her favorite protégé, and Teacher Zhou had a problem with her, and it was precisely because he did not want to see Su Mi too proud that he specially prepared a new album for Guo Xia. His beloved student was suppressed by Su Mi.

  Su Mi insisted on letting the assistant report, and she had important things to call Teacher Zhou.

   (end of this chapter)

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