The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2358: will definitely recommend you

   Chapter 2358 will definitely recommend you

   "You stupid child, you were the person I was most optimistic about back then!" Teacher Zhou sighed with emotion.

   Liu Yuan couldn't help but feel it.

   Teacher Zhou came back to his senses and said to Chu Zhuohang, "This gentleman, I don't know what to call you. Thank you very much for contacting Liu Yuan. Thank you very much."

   "Liu Yuan, what exactly is going on in this matter, I will also check it out and give you justice." Teacher Zhou said.

   Liu Yuan was very excited.

Chu Zhuohang said on the side: "Mr. Zhou, this matter was done by the Guo family and Guo Xia. The notice to Liu Yuan was taken away by them halfway, and the assistant was bought by them and told Liu Yuan. Wrong news. As for you can't get through to his phone, you are also your most trusted assistant, who changed a digit in the number left by Liu Yuan."

   Teacher Zhou was stunned: "This... how is this possible?"

"It's not impossible. The Guo family has money and can do many things. Even your assistant thinks it's more useful to have a good relationship with them. Besides, Guo Xia's own abilities are not bad, but she only ranks fourth. As for Liu Yuan, he just came from the countryside. He studied with you, and it did nothing to your assistant. So your assistant kicked him out with the Guo family, and Guo Xia became your student. "

   Teacher Zhou was in disbelief.

   Guo Xia has always been sensible and obedient, how could she be such a child?

But thinking about it carefully, the Guo family is indeed quite rich. During the festivals, the things that he and his assistants are given are very valuable, and they are all given in the name of respecting teachers and respecting Taoism. Teacher Zhou will not refuse. .

   Now that I think about it, is this the case?

  Chu Zhuohang handed him the evidence in his hand.

   Teacher Zhou looked at it, and the more he looked, the more angry he became. He, a dignified and decent teacher, was being played with like this!

   "If you don't believe me, you can also ask Guo Xia and your assistant to confront him." Chu Zhuohang said.

   "Okay, okay. Then you should avoid it for a while." Teacher Zhou said.

   Then, on the grounds that he wanted to discuss the preparation of the album, he called Guo Xia and his assistant together.

  Guo Xia was very happy and quickly came over by taxi.

   As soon as she saw the assistant, she stepped forward and asked, "What did Mr. Zhou call me?"

   "It should be a good thing. I have to tell you personally. Teacher Zhou has cooperated with many music studios. I will definitely recommend you this time." The assistant said.

  Because Chu Zhuohang avoided the assistant when he arranged Liu Yuan, and the assistant didn't know about the discussion with Teacher Zhou, so he thought it was Teacher Zhou giving Guo Xia a good opportunity.

The assistant only knew that Su Mi and Chu Zhuohang were here, but they didn't know what they were here for.

   He said: "By the way, Su Mi is here, you have to pay attention."

"I know, but I don't know what Su Mi is here for? I guess she must have known Teacher Zhou's influence in the circle and came to establish a good relationship." Guo Xia smiled, fortunately she called Teacher Zhou long ago. Well, the vaccination, he probably doesn't have much affection for Su Mi.

Guo Xia shoved a red envelope into the assistant's hands with a smile. She was familiar with Teacher Zhou's movements and her preferences. She relied on this assistant to deliver news, so she has always liked Teacher Zhou very much for the past three years. proud disciple.

The assistant sent Guo Xia in and was about to leave.

   (end of this chapter)

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