Chapter 2360 turned into nothing

  Assistant has no excuse.

  Guo Xia has also been in a cold sweat, because the exposure of the assistant's affairs also means the exposure of her own affairs.

   Teacher Zhou looked at the assistant and Guo Xia in disappointment. One was his most trusted assistant and the other was his favorite student.

  How come one by one is like this, without the slightest sense of propriety, righteousness and shame?

   "Guo Xia, what are you doing?" Teacher Zhou said angrily.

   "Mr. Zhou, I didn't... I don't know, I don't know at all..." Guo Xia said with tears, "It may be my assistant, or my parents, but I really don't know at all..."

  Teacher Zhou shook her head in disappointment, and she still said such things to this day.

   When Liu Yuan came out just now, the expression on Guo Xia's face did not hide from Teacher Zhou's eyes at all.

   If you haven’t done it before and don’t know it, why would you be so afraid to see Liu Yuan?

   Teacher Zhou shook his head and said, "You two, don't come again in the future. I won't use such assistants again, and I don't want to bring such students."

   "Teacher Zhou...don't do this, I'll follow you in doing things, I have no credit or hard work, I only miss this one thing, and everything else is conscientious..." the assistant requested.

   "This one is enough for you to be invincible." Teacher Zhou waved his hand and didn't want to pay attention to him anymore.

And Guo Xia also knew she was afraid, and cried: "Mr. Zhou... I don't dare anymore, I really don't dare anymore, it used to be because I wanted to be your student too much... Because you are really an industry Leader, I have always respected you very much, and I have hoped to be your student since I was a child. This is my great honor, and it is because I am too obsessed with you that I am confused for a while and do such a thing..."

   She usually likes to say this kind of thing to please Teacher Zhou, and with the help of an assistant, she has a good understanding of Teacher Zhou's temper.

   Teacher Zhou also understood at this moment that he was blinded by these words, and the student he liked the most really didn't have a word of truth in his mouth.

   He said: "You go, I don't need students like you. Don't study with me in the future."

   "Mr. Zhou, don't..." Guo Xia cried, if there was no Teacher Zhou, how would she release an album and make her debut?

  Without the resources of teachers, how can I go on smoothly in the entertainment industry?

   Her family does have money, but that money is completely dwarfed by the laws of the entertainment industry and has no use at all.

   Teacher Zhou stood with her hands behind her back, and she had already lost hope for her.

  Liu Yuan stood aside, looked at all this in front of him, and sighed deeply.

   Teacher Zhou said firmly: "You two, let's go!"

The assistant    left shyly, he knew that it would be difficult for him to gain a foothold in this circle in the future.

   If you offend Teacher Zhou, you should change careers or go to other places as soon as possible.

   And Guo Xia, still refused to leave.

   She is really not reconciled. She is not reconciled that so many years of business have come to nothing at this moment.

   Liu Yuan walked towards Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi who were staying in another room, and said, "Thank you two for giving me justice."

   He bowed deeply.

   Guo Xia saw Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi clearly, she pointed at Su Mi: "It's you, it's all you! You are provoking the relationship between me and Teacher Zhou, and you caused me to lose my teacher's trust..."

  Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi came out.

  Su Mi looked at Guo Xia calmly and said, "It's not me, but yourself."

   (end of this chapter)

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