Chapter 2392 He is there

   "Really?" Su Mi was both happy and worried, "That's great. During this time, I'm really bothering you."

   Not only did she not help him take good care of Xiao Chen, but he worked hard to take care of his mother.

   When she got home, Su Mi lay down with Xiao Chen, and when he fell asleep, she rolled over and sat up, took out the book, sketched on it, and wrote a new score.

  Chu Zhuohang saw that she hadn't slept, came over, put a glass of milk in front of her, and said, "Are you still busy?"

   "In the cooperation with Mr. Zhuo, there will be new songs. At that time, it may become the title song of his next album. In this way, it will not improve me a little bit."

  Chu Zhuohang saw the brilliance in her brows and eyes, and knew that all this meant a lot to her.

   He leaned over to look at her: "I can help you do better."

   Looking at him with burning eyes, Su Mi gathered up her courage to stand up and said, "Zhuo Hang, I know you have feelings for me. So I can't abuse your help."

   In the past two months, how Chu Zhuohang treats her, Su Mi is more aware of it, and has a more measure.

   He has been trying to get close to her, only she has been trying to dodge and avoid.

   But Su Mi actually knew her heart, she couldn't avoid it, she couldn't escape.

   She can only face.

   "But the difference between me and you is too great. Before I make a grade, I dare not have any ideas, not to mention I..."

  Su Mi wanted to say that she had given birth to other men's children before.

   That incident has done a lot of damage to her, and her current body shape has not changed at all.

   How could she accept all this from Chu Zhuohang safely.

"At least, when I work hard enough, when I can reach you, when I can stand by your side in an upright manner, I will have the courage to talk about more things with you. At that time, you will also understand your heart better. idea, isn't it?"

  Chu Zhuohang slightly curled his lips, she was willing to accept him and consider him, it was a rare thing.

   At least, she is facing up, not escaping.

   "Okay, I'll give you time. But...don't just leave."

  Su Mi nodded lightly, and when Chu Zhuohang left, her heart was still beating so fast that she couldn't help patting her chest.


  The next day, it was Mother Su’s operation.

   Early in the morning, Mother Su was sent to the operating room.

   Doctor Fang entered the operating room with his professional team.

  Gu Yunchen accompanied him.

  The estimated time for this operation is eight hours, which is very long and difficult.

  Su Mi sat outside and waited.

  Chu Zhuohang sat beside her and silently supported her.

  With him around, Su Mi's heart was really less panicked and much calmer.

   was waiting, a slender and capable woman came over and said, "Brother Zhuo Hang."

  Su Mi and Chu Zhuohang looked up at the same time.

   "Fang Lan, your dad has already entered. Su Mi and I are waiting with you."

  Su Mi guessed that this was Fang Lan, the daughter that Doctor Fang often mentioned, and greeted her.

"My dad hasn't done such a difficult operation for a long time. It happened that I brought Youyou to get a vaccine, so I came to see." Fang Lan's tone was gentle. astringent.

   "Where's Youyou?" Chu Zhuohang asked.

   "The nanny is watching." Fang Lan sat down and comforted Su Mi, "Trust my dad, it will be fine."

   (end of this chapter)

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