Chapter 2401 I met a liar

   However, the rumors of plagiarism have been making a lot of noise. When the outside world is accusing Su Mi, Su Mi and Sister Cao both pretended to be dead and did not respond. Wei Yuxin guessed that Su Mi had no evidence.

   This trumpet is probably recorded by her previous fans at some point, and put it on the Weibo trumpet.

   It is estimated that even Su Mi herself does not know.

  No, Su Mi can't know, can't let anyone know.

  Wei Yuxin immediately sent a private message to the trumpet: "Hello, I'm very interested in your video, can you contact me?"

   After waiting for a long time, the opposite side replied, "Okay, add a WeChat."

  Wei Yuxin hurriedly added the WeChat message from the other side.

   She tentatively asked who the other party was, and the other party appeared to be ignorant and not very familiar with the operation of Weibo.

   "Where did the audio you posted on Weibo come from? Is there anything else?" Wei Yuxin had many questions.

   She is too afraid of losing her reputation. She must not fall short of such an opportunity that she finally got.

The other party responded: "This trumpet was given to me by my daughter before, but she went to college and hasn't used it for a long time. She didn't want this number for a long time, so she threw it to me. She herself has long forgotten that there is such a number. I thought you were her classmate. "

   Wei Yuxin guessed in her heart, so she guessed that this daughter was a former fan of Su Mi, who accidentally recorded this thing, and then she forgot.

   Also, more than two years have passed, who still remembers such a thing that he casually recorded?

  Wei Yuxin chatted with the other party for a while and proposed to buy this trumpet.

   The other party was very reluctant, and repeatedly said that this was given to him by his daughter, which was a thought.

   But Wei Yuxin couldn't help begging all the time, she gave Convenience an account and asked her to pay.

   And the amount proposed made Wei Yuxin very painful.

one million!

   Although Wei Yuxin has already made her debut, she has not been ranked in "Masked Singing Singing". Recently, she has not received any endorsements or advertisements, and there are few activities to find her.

   It can be said that Wu Juntang gave her even the installation fee now.

   Don't take out a million all of a sudden.

  She wants to haggle.

The other party said, "Then I won't sell it. Anyway, I've always wanted to keep this account, and I've been thinking about it. This daughter, she made a boyfriend as soon as she went to college, and she went to school abroad, and she came back all year. In a few days, I really have nothing else to think about."

   Wei Yuxin was really afraid that more people would know about this audio, and said in a panic, "Okay, I'll give it, I'll give it."

   She didn't have enough money, and she didn't dare to confess to Brother Shui.

   She could only ask Wu Juntang for help, and after coaxing her, she finally got Wu Juntang to help her collect one million and bought this trumpet from the other party.

   After receiving the money, the other party gave Wei Yuxin the trumpet and password.

  Wei Yuxin is busy logging in with the account, the password is wrong!

   Even after several attempts, the password is wrong!

  Wei Yuxin hurriedly went to the other party's WeChat to ask again, and found that the other party not only went offline, but also blocked her!

   Met a liar!

  Wei Yuxin regretted it too much. She wanted to solve this matter too quickly, so she didn't think much about it at all, and even without verifying the authenticity of the other party's trumpet, she paid the other party the money.

   (end of this chapter)

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