Chapter 2418 Doubt the target

Su Mi said in a low voice: "Sorry, Doctor Gu, I actually told you like I told you before, but I couldn't tell it, so I never said it. In fact, I think I'm fat, and it should be the reason for my postpartum hormone changes. . These, I should not hide from you."

   "You don't need to apologize." Chu Zhuohang said to Su Mi, "What you don't want to say, even a doctor can't force you to say it."

   "I'm not forcing it, don't call me so bad. I'm a good doctor with a serious approach and professional ethics."

  Su Mi nodded: "Of course you are."

  Gu Yunchen glanced at Chu Zhuohang: "Listen, two people living together in the same way, why is there such a big difference in the level of speaking?"

  Chu Zhuohang asked, "Then what is the problem with Su Mi?"

"I read the names of these drugs, and I did a detailed study of her blood. She was indeed caused by some drugs to increase her weight rapidly, but it was not these drugs on the list, but some irregular drugs. I'm doing research right now. Because I don't know what medicine she's on, so it's hard, how long it's going to take, I can't tell."

   "Is there any quick way?" Su Mi asked.

   "If you know that you have taken medicines that you shouldn't take, it will be very fast, can you know?"

   Of course Su Mi didn't know, otherwise she wouldn't have endured getting fat for so long.

She thought about it for a while and said, "Actually, I've been thinking about a lot of things recently, and I always doubt that it was someone close to me who gave me the medicine, otherwise it wouldn't be like this. Doctor Gu said this, even more so. Makes me think it wasn't a coincidence."

   "Then think about who it will be." Chu Zhuohang said.

   "My suspect target is Wei Yuxin. I have had a very good relationship with her since we were young. Since she didn't have a father, our whole family took extra care of her. I always thought that we are not sisters, but we are better than sisters.

   But what happened recently has allowed me to fully recognize her true face. She has always been jealous of me, coveted all my things, stole my original fiancé, and copied my songs, so my physical condition, she should not be innocent. "

  Chu Zhuohang pondered for a moment: "It's been a long time since the matter has passed. Only by finding evidence can she be allowed to speak. Or, I should use my usual method."

   His so-called usual method is naturally a method that ordinary people cannot afford. Almost anyone who encounters it has to be recruited directly.

   But, he has been useless for a long time.

Su Mi saw the uncommon ruthlessness in his eyes, and she knew in her heart that a head of a family like him would definitely have a lot of methods that he wouldn't get on the table, and those methods might be wandering around. outside the law.

   However, she didn't want to use such a method, nor did she want Chu Zhuohang to be burdened with something that could not be washed because of himself.

   She said: "I should be able to think of a way, I'll try it first. If it doesn't work, then use your method, okay?"

   Gu Yunchen said with a smile: "How can I hear the smell of a husband singing and a wife? No, it's a woman singing and a husband!"

  Chu Zhuohang agreed to Su Mi.

   I'm afraid she will have a psychological burden, so let's do everything according to what she said.

   Anyway, he was there to help her figure it out.

   (end of this chapter)

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