Chapter 2423 Start with Su Mi

  Gu Yunchen couldn't wait to study, and said, "Then I won't talk to you any more, bye."

   "This Doctor Gu is a medical idiot." Xiao Zhan said with a smile.

  Chu Zhuohang said: "Of course the drug seller must bear the legal responsibility, and Wei Yuxin also must."

   "The medicine seller will confess to Wei Yuxin, and he has almost spoken." Xiao Zhan said.

  Chu Zhuohang looked at Su Mi and said, "Su Mi, are you going to let Wei Yuxin go this time, or do you decide to use it once so that she will be severely punished by the law?"

  Su Mi looked at Chu Zhuohang, she understood what he meant: "You mean, just buying medicine to hurt people, she won't bear too much, right?"

   "Yeah, after all, you weren't seriously hurt—in the legal sense."

   "Then let me see if Wei Yuxin still has humanity." Su Mi said.

   The recorder that Su Mi put on Wei Yuxin's body is now out of power, and it is currently impossible to supervise Wei Yuxin's movements.

   Just when Su Mi was about to call her, Wei Yuxin called.

  Su Mi picked it up: "Yuxin, do you have anything to do with me?"

   "Let's meet in the evening, let's have a meal together. You see that you are so ill, you have taken the initiative to find me, and I also want to clear up the past with you."

   "Okay, tell me a place."

  Wei Yuxin chose a relatively remote location, but this location was where she and Su Mi used to go when they were in school, so it wasn't easy to cause suspicion.

  Su Mi agreed and told Chu Zhuohang.

   "I'll go with you and make some arrangements by the way." Chu Zhuohang will definitely not let her suffer any harm, and will kill all possibilities in the cradle.

   Wei Yuxin's hands were trembling all the time, she drove out.

   Now, she doesn't know that the drug seller has been arrested.

   All she knew was that Su Mi was about to die, and everything had to do with the medicine she took.

  Su Mi passed away. With her current status as a singer, the company will definitely investigate the cause of her death immediately. At that time, she will eventually find out her own head.

And if Su Mi passed away now and died in an accident like a car accident, then the doctor would not investigate why there was toxicity in her body, nor would they investigate what medicine she had taken before, and everything had nothing to do with him. .

   Therefore, she must start now, and let Su Mi die by accident, not by drugs.

   This is the purpose of her meeting with Su Mi at night.

   She quickly drove to the place agreed with Su Mi.

   That place is a little remote. At this point in the evening, there are fewer people and there is no surveillance.

   is a good time to start.

   Wei Yuxin was driving the car, her hands trembling a little, after all she was going to attack Su Mi.

But she quickly comforted herself. As long as Su Mi died, she would have eternal peace in the future. She could marry Wu Juntang and get the glory and wealth she wanted. The plagiarism would also follow Su Mi's departure. Become an accident that will never be remembered in everyone's mind.

  Her car finally arrived at the agreed place.

   At this moment, she saw Su Mi standing under a tree waiting for her.

  Originally, Wei Yuxin bought sleeping pills, ropes and other tools, and planned to use other methods to deal with Su Mi...

   But now, seeing Su Mi standing there alone, without any cover, the figure is waiting quietly in front of the tree.

   (end of this chapter)

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