Chapter 2435 Mistaken him

  Su Mi didn't know whether their tugging was true or not, and she didn't know if she would be involved, so she kept calm, and planned to go directly to the person in charge to stop it and stay out of the matter.

   However, just as soon as he acted, Brother Young Master noticed her movement and asked loudly, "Who? Stop, don't move!"

  Su Mi was about to run, he tried to catch up, but he stepped on the air, but fell to the ground suddenly, and let out a burst of pain.

  The movement of his fall was so loud that he woke up a lot of people all at once.

   Soon, many people from the crew gathered around.

  He Qiyun hurried to Su Mi's side, said "thank you", and ran away quickly, it seemed, she didn't want to cause trouble at all.

  Su Mi also turned around and left, unwilling to get involved.

   But Li Minghao was able to see Su Mi's back clearly through the lights turned on by the crew.

  The crew came over: "Young Master Hao is injured, call the doctor and take him to the hospital!"

   Soon, that son, Li Minghao, was sent to the hospital.

   In this regard, Su Mi did not make a statement, and He Qiyun also assumed that nothing happened.

   But when He Qiyun saw Su Mi during the day, her eyes showed gratitude.

  Xiao Ke said very gossip: "Su Mi, do you know, that young master broke his leg last night, and I don't know what happened. I heard that he just finished the operation. How did he break his leg?"

   "People who don't do good things, of course." Su Mi simply told Xiao Ke what happened last night.

   "Ah? Looking at his honest appearance, I thought he was really just here to watch the filming, but I didn't expect it to be such a person! I really saw him wrong!"

   "It's too early to make a conclusion, no one knows what's going on. Since it's okay, we don't know what to do."

  When eating at noon, He Qiyun walked over to Su Mi and sat down, and said softly, "Su Mi, I really didn't expect you to help me last night, thank you."

   "You don't have to thank me, I'm just helping myself. I don't want any problems in the environment I'm in, so I came out to check. You can do it yourself."

   "Su Mi, I don't have that kind of relationship with Young Master Hao. Although he is pursuing me, I have someone I like, and it is completely impossible to be with him."

  Su Mi listened calmly, it had nothing to do with her, and she didn't want to pay attention.

  He Qiyun wanted to tell her the secret about Su Mi, but she didn't know if she should speak.

   She is really embarrassed, will Su Mi believe in herself?

   "Su Mi..." He Qiyun wanted to say something, her lips twitched.

   "Su Mi, Young Master Hao's father is here, looking for you!" the director shouted.

  Su Mi wondered, what did Li Minghao's father find him?

   Li Minghao's father, Li Zhenwei, the investor in this filming, sat on the sofa smoking a cigar and was full of momentum. Seeing Su Mi, his eyes showed disgust: "It's you who hurt my son?"

   "You mean Mr. Hao's leg injury? It's not me, I heard that Mr. Hao fell by himself."

   "What a bunch of nonsense! It really is an actor, and there is no truth in his mouth! My son himself said that you injured him, and you even denied it!"

   "It's really not me, Mr. Li please ask Master Hao again." Su Mi said calmly.

   She understood in her heart that Li Minghao broke his leg and was angry, but it was impossible to tell the truth to others.

   (end of this chapter)

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