Chapter 2440 The Heart of Compassion

   It's no wonder that after Wu Juntang woke up after giving birth to his child, their family's attitude towards him completely changed.

Before Su Mi only thought that it was because she became fat and ugly, and they couldn't compete with the world's eyes, so they would treat themselves like this, and now they know all this, but because they already knew what was going on in their hearts. .

   Therefore, Wu Juntang, Wei Yuxin and others never dared to mention in public that they had given birth to a child, because this matter was brought up as a scandal of Su Mi, but it was also a sin that could not be washed away from them.

  Su Mi took He Qiyun's hand and asked, "Then you say the child is still alive, what's the matter? Where is he? Where is he?"

"After the child was born, without even taking a sip of water, the aunt handed it over to the nurse to throw it out. I felt sorry for the child at the time, so I followed behind the nurse, and after she threw the child away, I quietly brought him back. I was holding the child, and I didn't dare to go to my aunt and cousin. I was afraid that they would continue to kill the child.

   I can only go to the hotel that my cousin said, where you had a relationship with the client, and look for the biological father of the child. I think maybe in this way, the child can be kept. I dare not tell you, I am afraid that my aunt and cousin will beat me and say that I have ruined their good deeds.

  I wasn't really sure who the client was. After inquiring for a while, I heard that there was a big boss who stayed in the hotel where you were talking about business.

  I finally found out his name and address, so I sent the child to him. "

  Su Mi asked: "Who is he? How can you be sure that the father of the child is him?"

He Qiyun was taken aback and cried: "Actually, I can't be sure who the father of the child is, all I know is that he is the big boss, and it is more likely to be him. Besides, a big boss like him, look When it comes to a child, you should be able to show some compassion. Letting him keep the child is better than letting his cousin and aunt keep the child, and it is better than letting the child go to an orphanage. That child is so small, so a little bit big, I can't even hold it, and I don't know what to do..."

  Su Mi knew that she really had no position to blame her, and she had no responsibility or obligation to pay for her actions.

   She just spoke out of pain, for herself and her innocent poor child.

He Qiyun cried: "Su Mi, you know that I lost my parents since I was a child and lived with my aunt and cousin's house. I didn't dare to resist them, and I didn't dare to tell you. After the accident, my aunt even took my mobile phone and sent you All my contact information was blocked and warned me not to interact with you. They are my relatives and they raised me, I dare not not listen, so I dare not find you or contact you at all.

  I know that you no longer regard me as a friend, but you still protect me, these things, I have long been very guilty in my heart, so I will choose to tell you now no matter what..."

   "Who is that person? Who did you give the child to? Where does he live, what is his name? What is his identity?" Su Mi's voice was hoarse and unpleasant, obviously in extreme pain.

   "Chu Zhuohang, I only heard about a big man like him, so I gave the child to him. I don't know if the child is his, anyway, I think he should adopt the child out of kindness..."

   (end of this chapter)

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