The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2442: DNA verification surgery

   Chapter 2442 DNA Verification Surgery

   That is to say, that happened between her and Chu Zhuohang at that time.

   So small Chen, it is very likely that she gave birth to the child, the common child of her and Chu Zhuohang.

   But why doesn't Wu Juntang know about Chu Zhuohang?

  Su Mi is too late to think so much now.

   Her joy, sadness, pain, excitement and other emotions are intertwined at the moment, which has completely overshadowed the doubts of those thoughts.

   She just wanted to see Xiao Chen at the moment, to know if he was the child she really missed.

  Chu Zhuohang immediately packed his things and said, "Let's go back right away."

   His mood at the moment was not much calmer than that of Su Mi.

  Chu Zhuohang took Su Mi out. Sister Cao was about to come to inform her about the filming, when she saw Su Mi's eyes swollen like peaches, she was surprised: "What's wrong?"

"Sister Cao, Su Mi and I are in a hurry to leave. I hope you can coordinate the filming here to help her free up time. As for the extra expenses for everyone, I will take full responsibility for it." Chu Zhuohang said.

   He has opened such a mouth, and Sister Cao is not easy to stop it, and it is difficult to ask what happened, so she said: "Then you drive carefully."

  Chu Zhuohang took Su Mi's hand and got into the car.

   He desperately wanted to go home.

On the way   , Chu Zhuohang called the housekeeper: "Butler, where is Chenbao?"

   "The young master followed Dr. Fang and Mrs. Fang, and went out with Youyou."

   "Please pick him up right away. By the way, let Dr. Fang make time. I want him to do a DNA verification operation."

  The housekeeper responded right away, with some doubts in his heart, what is the young master doing for the DNA test?

   When the young master was sent back before, didn't he just inspect it? There is no doubt that the young master is the blood of the Chu family.

   Now what is the young master going to do all of a sudden?

   But no matter what you do, the housekeeper must bring the young master back immediately.

   After he called Dr. Fang, he arranged for the driver to pick up Dr. Fang non-stop.

   Doctor Fang was playing outside with Youyou and Xiao Chen, and Mother Su accompanied the two little guys.

  Dr. Fang and Mother Su are amiable and amiable. Recently, they have reduced a lot of work and spent a lot of time with their two children.

When    received the housekeeper's call, Dr. Fang was stunned for a while, and said, "We'll go back right away."

   Getting into the car of the driver arranged by the Chu Family Manor, Mother Su couldn't help but ask, "What happened, why do you have to go to the manor so suddenly?"

   "The young master said that he would help Xiaochen verify his DNA."

   "What's going on?"

"Xiao Chen was sent to the young master at the beginning, and his mother is unknown. It was verified at the beginning that he was the blood of the young master. In fact, over the past year or so, in order to find Xiao Chen's biological mother, the young master and Chu Ye have made a lot of efforts. , I have been looking for it. Now I have to do DNA verification suddenly, I am afraid it is the mother of the young master, and there is news. "

   Hearing this, Su's mother was silent. If Xiaochen's mother came back, what would Su Mi do?

   In her heart, her daughter is of course the best, but if Xiao Chen's biological mother comes back, how can Su Mi resist the fetters of others' affection?

   Presumably, Chu Zhuohang would be more inclined to choose Xiao Chen's biological mother.

  The reason why Dr. Fang was in a daze just now was because of this worry.

   (end of this chapter)

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