The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2448: Why did she hit you?

   Chapter 2448 Why did she hit you?

The doctor    also said: "She is a little malnourished and has dozens of injuries on her body. I don't know who did it."

   "How could this be?" Su Mi wondered.

   Did she go to Li Minghao in private?

  The doctor gave He Qiyun nutrient solution and after infusing it, she finally woke up and saw that she was taking medicine, and couldn't help crying.

   "Who hit you? What happened?"

  He Qiyun faced Su Mi and had nothing to say, she said, "It's my aunt."

  Her aunt, Wu Juntang's mother.

   "Why did she hit you? Because of me?"

   "No. Su Mi, you don't know. Although I was raised by them, it's common for my aunt to beat and scold me at every turn."

  Su Mi had never heard of her before, and every time she appeared, she was always smiling. It was hard to imagine that she was going through such a thing.

"This time, they wanted me to marry a fool in exchange for the resources they wanted. I didn't agree, so they beat and scold me. I just came to this crew to do errands and wanted to stay away from them. But I didn't expect that, I met Li Minghao again. After returning from the production, my aunt forced me to marry again. If I didn’t agree, they had to beat me and scold me. I had no choice but to come to you…”

  Su Mi looked at He Qiyun, she was also a girl who suffered a lot.

   Xiao Chen is considered to be favored by He Qiyun, and only with her help can he escape the evil hands of Wu Juntang's family.

   This account, Su Mi and Chu Zhuohang have not yet settled with the Wu family, so it will be postponed for the time being.

   But Su Mi accepted He Qiyun's love, but she had to return it.

  He Qiyun has something to do, so she must take action.

   She said: "It's not a solution for you to stay here. Although their family has nurtured you, they can't dominate your future and life. You might as well leave and find a place to settle down."

   "I don't have a certificate. My aunt won't give it to me. I can't go very far, not even stay in a hotel." He Qiyun said.

   This family is really inhuman.

  Su Mi discussed with Chu Zhuohang, and asked Xiaozhan to pick up He Qiyun, and temporarily returned to the city to live and recuperate.

  He Qiyun was very grateful and said to Su Mi, "As for Li Minghao, if there is any need for me, I will definitely be there."

   "I don't need it yet. But He Qiyun, Li Minghao will definitely not give up on you. Are you afraid?"

  He Qiyun used to be very scared, but seeing that Su Mi could accept such pressure and resist Li Minghao's oppression, she became less afraid again.

   Fear will only make things worse.

   She said: "Su Mi, you are not afraid, nor am I. I believe that justice is in the hearts of the people."

   "That's good, you also resist the pressure. You were right to resist him before."

  He Qiyun felt more power.

   Xiaozhan came over quickly and received He Qiyun.

   She couldn't even carry her own luggage.

  Xiao Zhan took a step forward and helped her get into the car. She got into the car and was a little uneasy.

   "Don't worry, you are the one handed over to me by the young master and grandmother, and I will take good care of you."

   "Who is the young master and the young grandmother?"

   "You don't know? Anyway, you just know that Su Mi is helping you." Xiao Zhan said.

  He Qiyun said: "Thank you."

   "Come back to the manor with me and stay for a while. Anyway, Su Mi will help you."

   (end of this chapter)

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