Chapter 2464 is not a loss

  He Qiyun and Xiao Zhan were both smacking the meaning of this sentence at the same time.

   In my mind, that thought gradually became clear.

   went back to Wu's house and heard that Nie's family gave the business to He Qiyun alone, Wu's mother was furious: "You bitch, you know something bad is happening behind your back! What did you tell them?"

   "I really didn't say anything. Besides, even if it was given to me, wouldn't it be yours in the future?"

   Wu's mother heard this and said, "Let your cousin take care of it."

   "No, Auntie Nie said, let me learn how to take care of it, and go to Nie's house in the future, so that I can help them with their affairs."

   Mother Wu's eyes rolled, but if He Qiyun went to Nie's house and couldn't get anything back, it wouldn't be a good marriage.

  Only when you go there and get everything you can get back can it be considered the value of this marriage.

   "Then you should follow your cousin during this period of time and go to the company to study. Study hard and don't be ashamed."

   At present, He Qiyun is still in control anyway, everything is in the Wu family, and Mother Wu is not afraid of her running away.

   Mother Nie originally planned to let He Qiyun go to the consummation and get the certificate earlier.

   But she didn't expect that her silly son, who was worried, went out to climb a mountain and horseback with others, broke his waist and couldn't get up at all.

  Because this is not the first time this fool has sneaked out to play crazy and fell like this, so Mother Nie doesn't suspect anything else.

   Actually, it was Xiao Zhan who asked that fool's alcoholic friends to take him out to play. They were used to playing before, but I never thought that the fool would smash himself into that virtue.

   Of course, in this way, let alone the consummation, you can't go to the Civil Affairs Bureau site, and you can't even get a certificate.

  The fool is lying in the hospital and has to recuperate.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, He Qiyun was studying in the company, and Xiaozhan came to help from time to time. She quickly mastered a lot of business aspects of the Wu family, and also won the trust of everyone.

  Although Mother Wu and Wu Juntang are very wary of her, she is able to solve many problems, and people have to look at her with admiration.

  Nie Yuling was unable to resolve the matter of her younger brother marrying a wife, which made her a heart attack.

   In addition to the work, it also gave her a headache.

The assistant    told her: "The new movie invested by Chu Ning chose Zhuo Yan's song as the theme song and episode. Yours has been sent back."

   "Losing to Zhuo Yan is not a loss." Nie Yuling was convinced of Zhuo Yan's fame and ability.

   "But, Zhuo Yan's song was composed by Su Mi..."

   This made Nie Yuling somewhat unbearable.

  As the first sister of Huanxi Entertainment, she has always firmly grasped the company's best resources and the highest coffee position.

   And recently, Su Mi's momentum is a little too fast.

  Originally, when she looked at Su Mi's appearance and figure, she never regarded Su Mi in her eyes, nor did she regard her as a competitor.

  I didn't expect that only a few short months later, Su Mi had a tendency to faintly overtake her.

"In addition, the application for this year's Best Female Singer Award has also begun. At present, several of the competitors who are competing with you have their own original songs. Now the market is very talented. I have inquired about them privately. In fact, they Not all of his songs were created by himself, but he only participated in part of the creation."

   (end of this chapter)

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