The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2468: Immediately reveal the stuffing

   Chapter 2468 Immediately reveal the stuff

   "Su Mi, I still look down on you. Then, let's wait and see."

   After this time, Nie Yuling really did not dare to treat Su Mi as an ordinary newcomer.

   Also, can a newcomer with no scheming, successfully gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry after a show and resolve so many problems that have arisen in him?


   After Su Mi came out, Xiao Ke rubbed her red eyes and followed, and said, "Su Mi, how does Sister Ling plan to make me pay?"

   "It's been negotiated, no need to pay."

   "Really? When did she become so kind?" Xiao Ke felt that this was not in line with Nie Yuling's behavior.

   However, she is very happy that she can not compensate. After all, she really can't afford to pay such a big loss.

   "I just said to call the person in charge of cuisine, and she won't let me pay. You will also be exempted."

  Xiao Ke is very simple, but after all, she is also a person cultivated by Sister Cao, and I can still hear it, "Oh, then this brand didn't invite her to do activities at that time?"

   "Even, this brand did not provide her with a dress at all." Su Mi added.

"As soon as the phone calls, she will reveal her secrets immediately." Xiao Ke understood, "She is too much, does she have to torture me like this? Then did she take this matter and coerce you to help her? Do things, or exchange resources?"

   "I have already refused." Su Mi said with a smile.

Xiao Ke now admires Su Mi more and more. When Sister Cao asked her to accompany Su Mi to do things, although she did not refuse, she always felt that she was a bit overkill, and she didn't know if she had any success with Su Mi. day.

   Her idea is also right. In Jingyuan, if the job doesn't improve, then you can only earn a basic salary forever. Even renting a house can only be rented to the most remote place and shared with many people.

  If you want to develop your career, you have to follow the right people.

   Now, Xiao can sincerely raise this idea, she has witnessed Su Mi meeting various challenges step by step, blocking countless open guns and dark arrows.

   And those, she was just watching from the sidelines. When she really saw Su Mi blocking such a dark arrow for herself, Xiao Ke had a real feeling from the bottom of her heart.

   That is, Su Mi is definitely worth her hard work.

   She followed Su Mi a few steps: "I'm sorry, Su Mi, I will be more careful next time, so that no one will have the opportunity to threaten you again."

   "You were targeted because of me." Su Mi seemed to see through Xiao Ke's thoughts, "Just be careful in the future."

   "Then when did you have the phone number of the person in charge of cuisine? I don't remember Sister Cao."

   "I really didn't." Su Mi blinked at her, revealing a sly smile.

  Xiao Ke understood, "Oh, you cheated on her..."

   "Shh!" Su Mi made a silent gesture.

   Just because she thought that cuisine is such a big brand, Nie Yuling lost this event, and she didn't even make trouble in the company, and she didn't get angry yet. Being able to endure until now makes Su Mi feel unusual.

   With a random trick, Nie Yuling was exposed.

   The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling extremely happy.

   Of course, it is not difficult for Su Mi to get the phone number of the person in charge of Cuisine.

   (end of this chapter)

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