The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2475: Who moved your dress?

   Chapter 2475 Who moved your dress?

  Su Mi knows that this is not a trivial matter. Recently, there are many things that are going to happen to her.

   Change to another assistant, if something happens, the same thing happens.

  Su Mi comforted: "It's okay, I can solve it here."

   "But this brand..." After Xiao Ke finished speaking, he suddenly thought of Chu Zhuohang.

   How big and powerful the Chu Group is, there is no need to go into details. Xiao Ke also understands what kind of power Chu Zhuohang has and the power to help Su Mi.

   But Xiao Ke also understands that he must be more attentive and focused in the future.

   Although Su Mi can handle these temporary emergencies, this is not the reason for her own mistakes!

   Only by working harder can I keep up with Su Mi's development and be worthy of continuing to be her assistant.

  Su Mi actually doesn't need to call Chu Zhuohang directly.

   Instead, he called the housekeeper and asked him to send a set of this brand's dresses at home.

   A few days ago, Chu Zhuohang found a few brands and made some tailor-made dresses for Su Mi. Originally, it was just to please her, but I didn't expect it to come in handy now.

   After Su Mi finished the phone call, Chu Zhuohang's phone also followed: "Who moved your dress in the company?"

   "I don't know yet, I just know that I can't wear the dress tonight. Fortunately, you customized it for me last time."

   "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, it's just the wrong size of the clothes." Su Mi smiled, "If I have something to do, can I still talk to you here? I told the housekeeper not to tell you, but he turned around. The head told you anyway. He is loyal to you."

  Chu Zhuohang smiled: "Be loyal to me, you will naturally know what things I want to know."

   The implication is that the housekeeper will tell him everything related to Su Mi, so that it is convenient for him to give Su Mi the best protection.

  Although they only got along for a few months, but since Chu Zhuohang has decided on Su Mi, that is something that will never change in his life.

  The housekeeper knows that the Chu family's men are loyal to love, and naturally, he will also go to fulfill Chu Zhuohang.

   "I'm in a meeting, and I'll come and pick you up at night. Take care of yourself." Chu Zhuohang hung up the phone, still with a warm smile on his face.

   "Well," Su Mi nodded lightly.

   There are still several bodyguards that he arranged outside, and ordinary things can't bully Su Mi.

  Su Mi's clothes were the wrong size, and she didn't make a public statement or make a fuss.

  Nie Yuling admired Su Mi's calmness. Logically, Su Mi would definitely make trouble. After all, this must be a problem with someone in the company, which would cause her dress to go wrong.

   However, as long as Su Mi makes trouble, all the staff of the company will be offended.

   She actually took a deep breath.

   Then Nie Yuling wanted to see how she solved the dress issue.

  To do it now, how is it possible?

  This dress is usually impossible to prepare other dresses of her figure.

  Wufeng Music Awards application site, that night, the stars gathered, shining like clouds.

   All kinds of big-name singers come and go.

   The Mesozoic and Cenozoic generations are more like you and I, and people come and go at the scene.

  Su Mi appeared in a more luxurious dress, but because of her figure, although the dress has tried her best to avoid weaknesses, it is still inevitable. It makes people feel that the person who wears the clothes does not show the characteristics of the clothes and the brand well.

   (end of this chapter)

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