The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2480: Your business is all right

   Chapter 2480 Your business is no trivial matter

"The matter on Weibo." Su Mi knew that he had heard it, and reached out to help him tidy up his tie, "It should be what Nie Yuling posted, about the dress last night. There is nothing to pay attention to, I'm afraid you will be busy, so let the assistant Don't say it."

   "If he doesn't tell me, can't I look at my phone?" Chu Zhuohang really felt sorry for her. He was going to be criticized, but he also cared about his feelings.

  Su Mi smiled and said, "You have a lot of things in your work. These are trivial matters for me. Even Sister Cao can solve them without me."

   "Your business is no small matter." Chu Zhuohang said calmly, "I will let the designer of this brand cooperate with you and explain it clearly."

  Su Mi smiled: "Okay, then I will listen to you from now on, and you will help me solve everything."

   "It's almost the same." Chu Zhuohang kissed her.

   When they arrived at the company, behind Su Mi, the artistes all had unusual eyes, and there was a lot of discussion.

   Apparently, the different brands of dresses she wears make it seem like she's just trying to get in the limelight.

   "It's amazing to know Chu Ning? You don't even have to abide by the company's regulations? What does the company say to treat you equally with your new dress?"

   "I really don't agree with Chu Ning like this. Why? If you don't abide by the rules, why do you still specify the rules?"

   "Sister Ling didn't even remake her dresses at her coffee table, why should she?"

   "If the company doesn't deal with this matter, does that mean that we don't need to abide by the company's affairs in the future?"

   Sure enough, early in the morning, everyone reported the situation to the company.

   Normally, everyone’s coffee position is different, and what everyone gets and shows is different, and it’s hard for everyone to say anything.

   But this time, the company clearly stipulated that singers who go to apply for awards should not be treated differently. Su Mi also took a different approach and wore a skirt that was not customized by the company. Naturally, everyone found the reason.

   Not only the last night, but also the anger of the different treatment received due to different coffee positions, all vented out.

  Everywhere Su Mi went, there were accusations.

Xiao Ke couldn't help being angry: "Su Mi, you got a lot of interviews from reporters last night, and you can appear on the front page, not because you wore a new dress, but because of your strength. How did you get into their mouths, It's all because of the skirt?"

  Su Mi smiled and said, "When people are not as good as others, they always have to find some reason to justify themselves. If not, wouldn't it make you seem incompetent? Let's go, Sister Cao should have been called to a meeting, let's go too."

  Xiao Ke followed Su Mi's side.

  Su Mi already knew that.

   Sure enough, because there were too many reports, everyone responded violently, and the artist director called Sister Cao over.

   When Su Mi knocked on the door, Sister Cao was explaining things to the artist director.

   Artist director Duan Ke, who is middle-aged, is quite tolerant.

   I am really dissatisfied with what happened to Su Mi this time. After all, it has affected the management of the entire company and the implementation of rules and regulations.

   Once the matter is resolved, it will be nothing, but I am afraid that it will be used by people with a heart, and even cause the use of higher-level people.

   Always, high-level struggles are often caused by some minor incidents of the people below, and become the fuse.

   "Director Duan, I brought the dress I customized last night." Su Mi said.

   (end of this chapter)

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