The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2482: i really don't have

   Chapter 2482 I really don't have one

   said to Nie Yuling that as long as she was obedient and supported her, she would make this mistake.

  Because she doesn’t want to live in the suburbs where it takes five or six hours to commute back and forth, she doesn’t want to do this job as a logistics assistant, she doesn’t want to share an apartment with so many people, and she has to queue up every day to go to the toilet, brush her teeth, and take a shower.

  Li Qing said: "You should leave your job and leave."

   "Manager Li, give me a chance, I really didn't change the size of Su Mi's clothes..." Oda was anxious, she thought that if the paper was lost and there was no evidence, Li Qing would be merciful.

   But I didn’t expect that the consequences would be more serious.

"If you change, you must resign, because it is taking advantage of your job to affect other people's work; you have not changed, but you have lost the job content entrusted to you, and you must resign, because it is negligence! You are not so I really thought that Huanxi Entertainment would leave unemployed employees? Besides, do you know how much that dress is worth? If the size is wrong, the dress will be ruined!"

  Oda cried: "You can also wear it for others..."

   Li Qing was smirked: "Do you think that the entertainer in the entertainment industry is the aunt of the vegetable market in front of your house, and you have to pick up second-hand goods customized by others?"

  In the company, it was announced that Su Mi did not wear the required dress last night, and told everyone that this was mainly due to the error of the staff in the logistics department, which resulted in the wrong size of Su Mi's dress.

   restores the event as it is.

   At this point, the artists have nothing to say.

   Everyone asked themselves for no interest: "I don't know if it's true?"

   But everyone has always known that Li Qing of the logistics department is not a person to be messed with. If it is not true that there is a problem on his side, he will never take the blame.

   Now this result must have been verified and approved by him before it can be released in the company.

   "Su Mi, Oda has been resigned." Xiao Ke came over to report.

   "It's the logistics department, and there's nothing I can do about it."

  Xiao Ke felt that Su Mi was kind and should let her pay before leaving.

   A good dress is ruined because of the wrong size. It really hurts to look at.

   "Li Qing is really resolute, and let her go directly."

Su Mi laughed: "Li Qing originally thought that he would win this time by sparring with the artist department, but how did he know that Oda would lose before the battle, he was so angry that he had nowhere to shed it, and Oda also ran into his gun. ."

   After Oda resigned, he found Nie Yuling crying.

  In the beginning, Nie Yuling casually wanted to help her, and Oda rushed to help Nie Yuling frame Su Mi.

   As a result, I didn't expect it to end up like this.

   Jingyuan City has an inch of land and an inch of gold. Without this job, the houses shared by many people may not be able to pay the rent. How can she be reconciled?

  Nie Yuling didn't want to have anything to do with her, and said, "I don't have any shortage of people here. If you look for me, I can't help it."

   "But you said you wanted to support me..."

   "I want you to be useful to me. Are you useful to me now?" Nie Yuling asked.

  Oda felt dizzy for a while, yes, she was originally just a small assistant in the logistics department, all she did was send and receive some things, and anyone else could do it.

   Besides, she's not even a little assistant anymore.

Nie Yuling smiled and said: "You, you have been at Huanxi Entertainment for a few years, and you know a lot about the artists. If you just find a marketing account and sell it, you can make a living. This business card is for you. "

   (end of this chapter)

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