The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2487: The truth is about to come out

   Chapter 2487 The truth is about to come out

   "So many people support you and donate money to you, you have to tell everyone a story."

Because Su Mi's clothes incident was clarified, an ordinary employee of the brand couldn't sit still, and announced the truth of the incident on Weibo: "Actually, I probably know something, why did Su Mi change temporarily? The clothes are because the size of the clothes she customized before was wrong. When Huanxi Entertainment came over, we made them according to the size, but as far as I know, the clothes for Su Mi are actually different from the size she visually measured. .

   Later, I saw that Su Mi was wearing another set, not the customized one.

  I guess it was Su Mi who couldn't wear the custom made by the company temporarily, so she found our designer privately and made a new set.

It's not the first time that Su Mi has been scolded when something like this happened, but I never saw her come out and say that others were not at all, and that she was responsible for what she could bear, but there were still people who kept holding on to her. put.

  I think that I must speak out what I know in order to gain peace of mind. "

After she said this, an employee of Huanxi Entertainment followed anonymously: "Don't you know? Why did the company fire that employee? It's because she made a custom dress for Su Mi and deliberately got the wrong size. The evidence is conclusive, and the company made such a decision.

   Moreover, the company was notified by the whole company at that time. If it is true that the employees are fired for no reason, do you really think that the labor bureau is just a decoration? Why didn't the fired employee seek legal aid, but instead incited everyone's emotions on the Internet? Attached picture, company notification picture.jpg"

In the two companies, although there are many people who don't like Su Mi, there are also many people who are very fair. They admire Su Mi's struggle all the way, and can't help but stand up and tell what they know. the truth.

   Many employees agreed, saying that Su Mi was not that kind of person.

   Combined with the fact that the designer claimed Su Mi's clothes before, all the truth was about to come out.

   Everyone who understood the cause and effect, was very angry at being deceived by Oda, and went to ask questions.

   At this time, Oda, hiding behind the Internet, did not dare to speak or make a sound at all.

  Because of receiving money from outsiders, her personal information has been leaked by everyone, and it has been hung up on the Internet.

   Even her address was published.

   The rental house she rented was not the kind with good safety performance. That night, many people knocked on her door, which was deafening, so she was too scared to open the door or sleep.

   There were also many people shouting for her to pay back the money.

   Her wooden door was smashed, someone rushed in and grabbed her.

   At this moment, Oda does not mention how much he regrets. Originally, if he worked peacefully, he would not be rich, but his efforts would always pay off.

   And two wrong choices have pushed her to the precipice of life.

   She only now understands how valuable it is to be able to complete her work in peace and tranquility, even the usually crowded commuting section is so nostalgic.

   Just when she was most distressed, someone appeared, chased away those who were holding her, and handed her a ticket.

   "Let's live in another city." The person who came was Xiao Zhan.

   (end of this chapter)

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