Chapter 2495 Crazy discussion

   This is called, things are done so absolutely that even outsiders can’t see it.

But the aunt came well prepared, she presented a piece of evidence: "I'm not afraid of you mocking me at will. I just feel chilled, this Su Mi, after I got her blood, the doctor gave her to her. After DNA verification, she has no blood relationship with my husband and her uncle.

   In other words, she is definitely not from the Su family. Then she inherited a piece of the old man's estate and a house before, and she should also take it out and belong to us! "

  The aunt didn't think much of it at the time.

   When Nie Yuling found her and asked her to slander Su Mi, she thought of this.

   When she was fighting for the inheritance left by Su Mi's grandparents, she gave birth to a son on her own, and she tried everything she could to win more, and the relationship with Su Mi's family was very troubled, but she didn't win the fight, and she fell into a heart attack.

   Now when she finds out that Su Mi is not from the blood of the Su family, how could she miss such a good opportunity?

   Seeing that her son and daughter have grown up, the family life is not as good as the Su Mi family. Since Su Mi is not from the Su family, it is justifiable to spit out the inheritance of the two old people she inherited.

   That is a house in Jingyuan City, and several hundred thousand in cash.

  Forcing Su Mi to take it out, wouldn't it be a huge fortune?

   Mother Su stood in the crowd and felt that the aunt was really shameful, her hands were shaking with anger.

   The inheritance left by the two old people at the time was relatively fair. She and her husband served the two old people all the year round, and it was not too much for Su Mi to get that.

   But in the eyes of the aunt, not taking advantage is a disadvantage. Now that she finds this excuse, she has to find trouble with Su Mi, which breaks her heart as a mother.

"Could it be that Su Mi is not from the Su family, shouldn't she return the inheritance that she inherited?" The aunt said excitedly, "Everyone tell me, is this the truth? Su Mi is not from the Su family, is it? It means that her identity is a matter of great doubt?"

The last sentence of    is the real slander.

   Legacy is her purpose, but it is only a pretense.

  Nie Yuling promised her that as long as Su Mi's life experience was stinky, she would give her more things.

   When the reporters heard this, they looked at Su Mi and looked at Su Mi a little bit, but they didn't judge this very well either.

   But they have a hunch that writing this kind of thing out, no matter what, will be a big news that can cause crazy discussions.

  Su Mi's doubts about her life experience will indeed arouse a huge response from everyone.

The aunt pointed at Su Mi: "If it weren't for this match, I really don't know what your mother is like that. Skynet is so sloppy and not leaking. Your mother is really too much. How long has it been since my husband died, and I got married right away, I see your family, they are all really scumbags!"

With a    "pop", Su Mi gave her a slap in the face: "It's okay to scold me, please respect my mother. Otherwise, this is a preliminary lesson for you!"

   Although, beating elders makes people feel a bit out of line.

   But a lot of reporters felt a lot of fun.

  Because most people have the same mind as Su Mi, you can insult me ​​and scold me, but you must not humiliate the relatives I care about!

   (end of this chapter)

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