Chapter 2497 Everyone shouts

  The auntie felt guilty in front of everyone and just wanted to avoid it.

   "And you, but you want to take this opportunity to slander Su Mi and make money from her.

   Starting today, on behalf of Su Mi and myself, the relationship with your family has broken, and there will be no interaction in the future.

   I hope you will stop hurting Su Mi in the future! "

  The aunt looked at Doctor Fang again and wanted to say something slanderous, but she couldn't say anything.

   Doctor Fang seemed to know what she was going to do and what to do, just looked at her coldly.

  The aunt knew about Dr. Fang's status. In the hospital, even the dean would show respect to him when he saw him, and all the patients and their family members respected the other doctor.

   Doctor Fang is a highly respected person, how could she be slandered?

She thought that her husband's condition was still in the hands of the doctor, and she didn't dare to speak, and she couldn't find anything to slander Doctor Fang. Her wife had been dead for many years, and Su's husband had also passed away for several years before she got married. Together, there is no point that can be slandered.

   However, she is really a villain. No matter how much Doctor Fang hates her, how can he make fun of the patient's condition?

   Mother Su's words made the reporter feel very happy and happy!

Relatives like    are long overdue for a breakup.

   And some people think that they also have such wonderful relatives in their family, and they can't help but feel the same way. The wonderful thing is to break up, that is, to stay away, don't give her another chance to hurt you.

  Nie Yuling and Jin Qiaoer couldn't help but feel depressed when they saw such a scene.

   It was clear that the victory was in hand, but it was turned over by an adoption agreement from Mother Su.

   It seems that the chess piece of the great aunt is not so easy to use.

   The idea of ​​using this thing to restrain Su Mi was in vain.

  They were a little disappointed.

   But, would Chu Zhuohang let them go so early?

  Not at all!

   They would never have imagined where Chu Zhuohang would be waiting for them.

  The aunt was so embarrassed by the reporter's criticism that everyone yelled and beat her.

  The reporter also looked at Su Mi with admiration. Under such circumstances, she was able to pay her uncle's medical expenses, and her cousin's living expenses and tuition fees. She is really a very tolerant girl.

   But now that it's broken, and the aunt did all this by herself, Su Mi's burden will be lighter in the future. She doesn't need to bear this burden again, and she will be scolded and incomprehensible.

Mother Su bowed to the reporter and said, "Thank you for supporting Su Mi. In the future, our Mimi will not be **** to **** blood again. I hope she will be happier. Like girls in other industries, although she has troubles, she Happiness will outweigh trouble."

  Su Mi looked at her mother with tears in her eyes.

   Doctor Fang was also deeply touched and hugged the mother and daughter.

   When the scene was about to end, a pair of young children rushed in, approached the reporter, and hurriedly said, "Please, help us."

   It turned out that the people who came were the uncle's daughter and son, Su Jie and Su Hao.

   is also Su Mi's cousin and cousin.

   Seeing them coming, the reporter hurriedly asked what was going on.

   Could it be that for Su Mi, there will be another turn of events?

   What will the young couple say when they come over?

  The reporter's microphone was aimed at them immediately, trying to find out what secrets were still uncovered.

   (end of this chapter)

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