The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2509: then i'm not leaving

   Chapter 2509 Then I'm not leaving

  Mother Nie was really angry and said, "Son, let's go, let's go to He Qiyun, walk around, don't mix with this kind of woman."

   "I don't, I don't, I want this, I want this."

   The fool's son used to see He Qiyun as good-looking, so he liked it as soon as he met, and was clamoring to meet.

  So, how could it be possible to obey Mother Nie and not want this woman?

   Now, he just wants it.

  Mother Nie was so angry: "Son, we can find beautiful and well-behaved ones. Don't do this. Mom will find better ones for you."

   The fool's son held the woman unmoved.

   That woman makes money when she has money, money comes first, and she doesn't care about anything else.

   She looked up and down Mother Nie, and found that Mother Nie was dressed in gold and silver, and she was rich and noble, but also found that this stupid son was really stupid and had no ability to control others.

  Anyway, spending money with a man outside is also earning money. It’s not all men you meet, and making money with a man is also earning, so there’s no difference.

   Besides, what Mother Nie said just now was really hurtful, and she couldn't hold her breath.

   She got dressed and said, "A fool likes me? Then I won't leave, but you have to give me money."

  The fool immediately took out a stack of money from his clothes, because he was raised as a young master at home, so he never lacked money, and he couldn't spend it, so he took out a lot of money.

   "Hahahaha, okay, give it all to me, I'll accompany you in the future." The woman laughed hahaha.

   Silly son followed her and laughed.

   The seven aunts and the eight aunts couldn't help but look away, but they really didn't see it. They thought that the Nie family had found a good daughter-in-law, but it turned out that she was just out to do that kind of business.

  A fool is a fool after all, so he can only do something like this.

  Mother Nie was so angry that she immediately beat and scolded that woman.

   That woman has also messed with everything, how could she be given such a chance, she said to the silly son: "Look at her hitting me. If she hits me, I can't accompany you."

  The stupid son is also stupid, how can he tell so much, he only knows who makes him comfortable and who is the one he wants.

   Mother Nie was so anxious that she was about to have a heart attack.

   Father Nie quickly went up to support her.

   That woman is not afraid of anything, anyway, she doesn't care about her affairs when someone dies, she just has to rely on this family.

   This made Mother Nie look up in anger and said, "I'll give you how much money you want. Get out of here quickly."

   "Five million." The woman took out a cigarette and smoked it.

   Silly son still hugged her and didn't let go.

   In the end, it was really impossible to reach a reconciliation. That woman actually followed Nie's father and Nie back to Nie's house, and swaggered into the silly son's room.

   Eat whatever is delicious when he sees it, and take whatever is valuable when he sees it. The silly son even protects her.

  When night came, she went to bed,

   (end of this chapter)

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