Chapter 2521 There is no end

   Friends have always spared no effort in attacking Gu Yunchen's daughter.

   "Stop the crow's mouth!" Gu Yunchen immediately retorted, "After giving birth this time, Liang Yi and I will not give birth, so it must be a daughter."

   "What if it's a son?" Chu Zhuohang said with a smile, he liked to see Gu Yunchen go mad on this matter.

   Gu Yunchen was stunned for a while, and said, "Even if it's a son, it won't be born. It's too hard to be pregnant and give birth to a child. I can't bear to let my wife suffer any more."

  Su Mi smiled and helped Chu Zhuohang remedy: "Then this time, it must be the daughter, it must be!"

Chu Zhuohang tilted his head to look at Su Mi. Back then, Su Mi gave birth to Xiaochen after a lot of hard work. At that time, she endured so much hardship, and the only person who accompanied her, Wei Yuxin, was nothing but a wolf and tiger. Just a leopard.

  Thinking of this, he hugged Su Mi in distress.

   "It's here again! There's no end to it, hello!" Gu Yunchen is really not easy, it's just a medicine, how many times does he have to be fed dog food.

  Chu Zhuohang released Su Mi and said to Gu Yunchen, "So Mi Mi's medicine is..."

   "It's to remove toxins from her body. But it's a long-term process, and it takes a long time to recover."

   "Is it harmful to the body? Will losing weight affect your health?" Chu Zhuohang didn't care whether she was thin or beautiful, but her safety.

   Gu Yunchen laughed: "That's definitely not harmful! Otherwise, what would I do with it? Will I destroy my title of genius doctor?"

   Chu Zhuohang was relieved after this, and after asking in detail how to take it, he let Su Mi take it once.

  Su Mi raised her head and drank. Although she needed to persevere, she would not give up.

   The way she is now really affects her life and also affects Chu Zhuohang. She doesn't want Chu Zhuohang to be criticized because of herself in the future.

   Even if it can’t be fully recovered, it’s good to recover to seven, seven, eight, eight.

Gu Yunchen suddenly remembered something, and said: "By the way, last time I took Su Mi's blood, it was quite a lot. I stored it in the hospital in batches, but later found that one tube was missing, I don't know if it was What's the reason. Did you take it?"

   "My mother took it once, the time my uncle matched it."

   "I knew that time, I mean, on the basis of that time, there was one less tube."

  This is a bit strange, who would do anything with Su Mi's blood?

  Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi couldn't think of any use for this.

   "I will make people pay attention to this issue." Chu Zhuohang responded.

"Okay, I just think it's weird. However, if Mimi loses weight, I will definitely collect blood from your side in the future, because the content of the blood will definitely change. So the one that was thrown away is useless. Just curious to ask."

   After Gu Yunchen left, Su Mi also thought about it, her own blood seemed to be of no use.

  Chu Zhuohang couldn't figure it out for a while, so he said: "I don't want to, if someone wants to use you for something, I will never let him succeed."

   "I see." Su Mi smiled, "I don't know when I can recover. Have you seen my previous photos and videos?"

"I've seen it all, it's very beautiful." Chu Zhuohang has seen everything about her. She has been a beautiful woman since she was a child. When she was singing live on the Internet, many people licked the screen and called her wife, and even let him I ate a lot of vinegar for a while.

   (end of this chapter)

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