Chapter 2531 Take Su Mi away

   It was inconvenient for her to listen to other people's privacy, and she didn't want to meet Lin Delu.

  Although she only met Lin Delu briefly at the beginning, at that time, he was so focused on his sister that he didn't notice her at all, and her appearance has changed so much now that he couldn't recognize himself at all.

   However, Mother Su is also afraid that everything will happen in case.

In case he recognizes himself, in case he wants to take Su Mi away... Mother Su doesn't want such a thing to happen, Su Mi is her sister's blood and blood, and her current daughter, a scumbag like Lin Delu doesn't deserve such a good one. daughter.

   She absolutely can't let the people of the Lin family take Su Mi away, and she doesn't want Su Mi to go to a complicated family like the Lin family, facing so many complications.

   Mother Su hurriedly left.

  Lin Delu and Jiang Shuyuan didn't find Su's mother, they just said to Qiao Hui: "Tell that girl well, what happened back then was that our family was sorry for their mother and daughter. Now, we really want to bring her back."

   "Of course I will." Qiao Hui sent the couple out, and she didn't look away until she saw them getting into the driver's car.

  The daughter of the Lin family? Of course she wants to bring them back!

   Sister Cao and Su Mi came back after buying drinks, but they didn't see Mother Su.

   "Where's my mother? Strange, I asked her to sit here and wait just now." Su Mi searched around and disappeared, and hurriedly called her.

  Mother Su picked it up and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Mimi, my mother just met an old classmate. She had to take me to drink tea, so I had to go. I was just about to call you to say something."

   "That's it, then you can drink slowly, I'll pick you up when I'm done shopping." Su Mi smiled.

   "Okay." Mother Su put away the phone. In order to avoid Lin Delu, she really took great pains to hide in the toilet.

She didn't want to tell Su Mi about this matter. It was her sister's last wish. She said that she should take good care of Su Mi and not let Su Mi be involved in the Lin family's affairs. I hope she can live happily ever after. .

   This is also Mother Su's greatest wish.

  If there was no aunt who had to jump out and criticize Su Mi's life experience, Su's mother herself planned to rot this secret in her stomach, and no one would ever know.

  Su Mi said to Sister Cao: "Then Sister Cao, please accompany me to go shopping again, my mother went to have tea with friends."

   "No problem." Sister Cao smiled.

   As she was talking, she saw a young woman walking towards her, and said hurriedly, "Hello, Joe!"

   "Hello Joe." Su Mi also greeted her, seeing that this young woman was about the same age as her, but she was quite capable.

   "Are you shopping here too?" Qiao Hui said with a smile, "I still have something to do, so I won't be with you any more."

   "Okay, you are busy." Sister Cao smiled and watched her leave.

   She abducted Su Mi's arm and said, "This is Mr. Qiao from the company."

   "I haven't seen it once." Su Mi looked at the figure of Qiao Hui leaving.

"You haven't seen a normal one. She is not the general manager herself. The general manager of this company was originally named Lin, and his name was Lin Qingyuan. He was very young and promising. He was about the same age as you, but he was already very capable and skilled. But Heaven is jealous of Yingcai, he was admitted to the hospital in a car accident half a year ago, and then I don’t know what happened, the Lin family has not announced it to the public.”

   (end of this chapter)

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