Chapter 2537 personally escort

  Su Mi paused strangely: "What happened?"

   "The event has been temporarily canceled." Sister Cao said helplessly, "I also just received the notice, and I will come to you right away."

Xiao Ke said: "But it shouldn't be. This event has been prepared for a long time, so why is it temporarily canceled? I think everyone is still participating in the scene. Moreover, this is a very good promotion event. Su Mi has just won the award. Going to participate in this promotion will have a great effect on consolidating her popularity."

   Sister Cao glanced at her: "Do you think I don't know about me? However, it's just a temporary replacement."

  Xiao Ke hurriedly stopped talking. It turned out that Sister Cao said that the event was canceled, which was just a euphemism.

However, now with Huanxi Entertainment, even the first sister, Nie Yuling, is no longer enough. Su Mi is a well-deserved top artist. All resources should be reserved for Su Mi. Even if she wants to bring new people, she should be allowed to appear together. It's not like saying that it's canceled, right?

  Sister Cao said, "Let's go back to the office."

  Su Mi and Xiao Ke followed Sister Cao to the office.

   Halfway through, he saw Lin Delu, Qiao Hui, Brother Shui, and a young timid girl walking out together.

   That girl, wearing a grand dress and heavy make-up, can see that she has a bit of beauty, and it looks like she is going to participate in some event.

   Moreover, there are Lin Delu and Qiao Hui, personally escorting...

   When several people passed each other, they couldn't help but glance at each other.

That young girl was a bit timid at first, but when she saw Su Mi, she suddenly developed a bit of confidence for no reason. Huanxi Entertainment, even a person like Su Mi, can be regarded as a person with countless fans and a lot of popularity. A popular singer who has won numerous awards, so why should you show your cowardice? At least, I am more beautiful than Su Mi, have a better figure, and have a more star-like appearance than her!

   Thinking of this, the timidity on the young girl's face retreated a bit, and she followed Brother Shui with her head held high.

   Brother Shui too, looked at Sister Cao's face fiercely, and showed a smile, as if comparing with Sister Cao, who has a brighter future and who is more powerful!

   Sister Cao didn't understand what that meant, her face darkened.

When she got to the office, she told Xiao Ke to close the door and said, "Su Mi, you must have seen that the resource just now was exchanged for the girl named Lin Xialu. Lin Delu and Qiao Hui came forward to win the opportunity. ."

   "I saw it. Lin Xialu...Although Lin is a big surname, it wouldn't be such a coincidence. Her surname is Lin, shouldn't she belong to the Lin family?" Su Mi asked.

"You really guessed it right. She is Lin Delu's daughter and Lin Qingyuan's sister. I just found out about this news, but it's strange. Why haven't I heard that the Lin family has a daughter before?" Sister Cao It was incomprehensible.

She pressed her brows: "Qiao Hui asked Brother Shui to bring Lin Xialu. If it's someone else, it's okay, they can't win you no matter what. But there's no way, if they're the daughter of the Lin family, resources on many levels, they can't win. I can get in touch, but I can't."

   After all, status and occupation determine a person's upper limit.

   Even the connections that Sister Cao has accumulated over the years is still hard to beat the connections accumulated by a family of others.

   (end of this chapter)

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