Chapter 2560 Let him thank you

  Su Mi walked down the street, thinking of taking a taxi at the intersection.

   But I didn't expect that, just a few steps away, an old man fell from the wheelchair.

The people around    seemed to be used to seeing old people touching porcelain, so they avoided one by one and stood far away to watch.

  Su Mi hurried forward and stretched out her hand to help the old man up: "Old man, what's wrong with you? Are you alright?"

   "Medicine... medicine..." The old man clutched the position of his heart and pointed to the pills scattered not far away.

  Su Mi saw clearly that there were a lot of pills sprinkled on the ground, probably when the old man was about to take medicine, he accidentally fell on the ground, so he had a seizure.

   She hurriedly picked up the medicine and found that it was a medicine for heart disease. After reading the instructions, she poured out a few and gave it to the old man.

  Fortunately, the old man had a water glass with him, so she hurriedly unscrewed it and gave him a few sips of water.

   After being in a hurry for a while, the old man finally calmed down. He was no longer breathless like before, and his face recovered.

   "Old man, I'll take you to the hospital for a check-up. Your condition was too scary just now."

   "No need, I'm used to it." The old man said, his surname is Lin, and it is Mr. Lin from the Lin family.

  Because his grandson Lin Qingyuan was hospitalized in a car accident, he often came to the hospital, and when he thought that his grandson was in a coma, he was very worried. When he was taking medicine just now, it was because of this incident that all the medicine was spilled.

   He is really used to it. Heart disease is also an old problem at a time of pain like this.

  Su Mi saw him like this and said, "Where are you from? I'll help you contact your family."

   "You take me to the hospital."

  Su Mi was taken aback, didn't he just say not to go to the hospital?

   "Little girl, I'm going to the hospital to visit my family. So just send me there."

   "So it is." Su Mi pushed his wheelchair, "Old man, is there no one around to take care of you? It's not very convenient for you to be in a wheelchair alone, right?"

   "There are carers, but I just wanted to come out and buy something, so I didn't alert them."

   He mysteriously showed the buns he bought to Su Mi, "My grandson likes this the most, I'll buy some to try. You can eat two too."

  Su Mi laughed, this old man is really cute, they all say that he looks like a child when he is old, and that's true.

   "Okay." Su Mi took it and took a bite, "It's delicious."

   "Yeah, is it delicious?" Mr. Lin also ate one.

   "Yeah, delicious. It tastes good."

   "You have another one."

  Su Mi ate another one until she and him ate the whole bag of buns, both of them were very satisfied.

  The old man Lin said gratefully: "Thanks to you, this little girl, otherwise, my old life will be explained on the side of the road."

   "It's all worth it." Su Mi didn't take it to heart.

   "Little girl, what's your name?" Mr. Lin asked with a sigh.

   "My name is Su Mi."

   "Oh, what a good name." Mr. Lin said, "I'll let you meet my son in a while, and I must let him thank you. There are not many young people with kind hearts like you now."

  Su Mi waved her hand hurriedly: "No need for the old man, I don't want to thank you for helping you. It's best if you're fine, you don't need any thanks."

   (end of this chapter)

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