Chapter 2567 Live King

   The whole scene finally returned to normal, and the host gave Su Mi a grateful glance.

   He has been a host for many years, and he has seen all kinds of singers, but he has never seen someone like Lin Xialu, and he has almost no on-the-spot experience - he still overestimates the ability of this resource guy.

   At this moment, there was a sarcastic voice in the barrage: "Mom, Lin Xialu used to sing like this. Just like this, you still want to do a show with Guan Lian Su Mi?"

"To be honest, before relying on Su Mi, she has won many activities and programs that do not belong to her. However, her grades are still mediocre. Today I found the answer here. It is normal for her to not be popular with such strength. "

   "Let's go back and fall in love, don't force yourself into the circle of the powerful."

   "Don't speak so badly, didn't you hear that it was Su Mi's high-pitched tune that prevented Lin Xialu from singing?"

   "Is this a normal tune? Su Mi always sings like this. Does it have to be specially tuned for Lin Xialu to be worthy of her?"

   "That's right, is Lin Xialu her mother when everyone in the world? Let her be everything?"

   "Fortunately, my honey is very strong and can save the scene perfectly. The title of King of the Scene is not covered."

  Lin Xialu finally calmed down on the stage.

   However, in the following activities, basically nothing happened to her, and the host didn't dare to cue her anymore, for fear that something would happen to the cue.

   There are a lot of resource cafes in this circle, but there are really not many people like Lin Xialu who have no self-knowledge.

   Before the show was over, Brother Shui called Sister Cao: "What's going on with Su Mi? Why would someone from a company embarrass Lin Xialu on the spot?"

   "Really? Su Mi is just doing her own thing, what's the embarrassment?" Sister Cao was very curious.

  "..." Brother Shui was speechless.

  Su Mi really didn't do anything, but even if she didn't do anything, Lin Xialu was already disgraced.

   Sister Cao smiled and said, "Brother Shui, you also have many years of work experience. You know better than me which artists take which route. If you insist on joining in inappropriate circles, sometimes the result is just the opposite, isn't it?"

  "..." Brother Shui hung up the phone.

   Lin Xialu had to come to participate in this event, and he couldn't stop it at all.

   Of course, he didn't think about blocking it, because after Lin Xialu and Luo Zhongqian fired CP for two or three months, the effect was really good.

   But Luo Zhongqian has plans to tear down the CP because Luo Zhongqian has received a new TV series.

   Generally speaking, after the group CP has exerted a great effect, the two sides will gradually drift away at a critical time point until there is no intersection.

   Generally, the side that is demolished first is the cause of new development.

   Luo Zhongqian is willing to tear down, but Lin Xialu doesn't want to tear it down, because Lin Xialu has not yet found a better development opportunity, it is not good for her to tear down CP at this time.

   That's why Lin Xialu was very anxious to come to rub the heat of Su Mi and Guan Lian, so that if Luo Zhongqian wanted to forcibly demolish the CP, she would suffer too much loss.

  Lin Xialu originally wanted to accumulate a wave of popularity for herself, but who knows, it turned out like this.

   Brother Shui asked Sister Cao to vent, which is also unreasonable.

  After Lin Xialu came back, the whole person was disheartened and very depressed.

   (end of this chapter)

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