The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2574: Such a person can be a junior

   Chapter 2574 Such a person can be a junior

   But the outside world doesn’t see it that way.

  In the hearts of outsiders, Su Mi's appearance is flawed. Luo Zhongqian is a real handsome guy. They don't know the existence of Chu Zhuohang. Naturally, they think that if Su Mi catches one, she will not let go.

   The scolding became more and more intense.

  Su Mi said: "It should be done by Brother Shui, right?"

Sister Cao knew very well and said, "I'm afraid there is no one else except them. I have long heard that there was some filth between them and Luo Zhongqian. Others refused to continue to cooperate, and they had to forcefully pull them. Brother Shui is also really scheming. If you want to remove the CP, you have to **** Luo Zhongqian's blood alive. It's okay to **** his, and you have to be sucked in once. It's too cruel to treat people in the same company. A little!"

   "If it wasn't for Qiao Hui's arrangement, he wouldn't dare to be so arrogant..."

   Thinking of Qiao Hui, Su Mi suddenly remembered that the last time she went to Qiao Hui's office, she met Luo Zhongqian.

   Her face changed slightly and she said, "Sister Cao, on Weibo, have you released a photo of me and Luo Zhongqian?"

   "Let me take a look." Sister Cao immediately entered a few keywords to conduct a professional search.

   Then, the photos of Luo Zhongqian and Su Mi were impressive.

That was the last time Su Mi was in Qiao Hui's office, standing with Luo Zhongqian. At that time, she only stayed for a very short time, and she didn't even speak to Luo Zhongqian before the photo was taken. It is conceivable that Qiao Hui also contributed to this incident.

That photo was taken very carefully, blurring the background and choosing the right angle. It looks like two people are talking intimately. In fact, the two people are quite far apart. That smile is just a Out of polite greeting.

   Sister Cao handed the photo to Su Mi in surprise: "Mimi, look!"

   "Sure enough!" Su Mi sighed softly, "Now they have something to say."

   I flipped through it, and sure enough, I saw a lot of scolding: "I didn't expect that even someone like Su Mi could be a junior. In this world, tsk tsk tsk."

   "What about good singing skills? Xiaosan can never be forgiven!"

   "My family was torn apart because of Xiaosan's involvement. My child is only two years old now. I have wanted to die countless times. For Xiaosan, I just want to give her the word 'death'!"

   "Little San is simply the biggest cancer in the world, and everyone is yelling at him. I think Su Mi should get out of the entertainment circle as soon as possible!"

   "I feel so sorry for Lin Xialu, I can really understand her feelings, alas, hug!"

Sister Cao has many years of experience and has seen all kinds of storms and waves, but she was shocked by this incident and yelled: "It's shameless! You have a problem and lead the disaster to you! Such a person is simply not worthy of being an artist, not worthy of it. Be a broker! Don't let me get the evidence, otherwise, I really want you people to be ruined!"

   "Sister Cao, get in touch with Luo Zhongqian, the matter still has to be resolved from the source." Su Mi was more calm.

  Sister Cao also calmed down and said, "Okay, I'll deal with it right away. You absolutely can't bring that much damage to your reputation."

   "When the time comes, I'll talk to him."

   "Are you in private contact?" Sister Cao was a little concerned. After all, in the current situation, it is not convenient for them to meet in private.

   (end of this chapter)

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