Chapter 2593 fell into the trap

  If he is also involved, then Chu Zhuohang is looking forward to it. What kind of tricks are they going to play?

   "So, where is she?" Chu Zhuohang asked.

Seeing that he believed, Ruan Weijia couldn't help being overjoyed, and said, "I live there. When the young master wants to see her, I can ask her to come over. In fact, I don't dare to believe her completely, and I haven't told her about this yet. Said, it's just that I thought that no matter what, I can't give up any opportunity, so I took the liberty to tell the young master about you."

   "Then let her come over tomorrow. This matter must be checked for DNA to be accurate. The housekeeper, inform the doctor to come over early tomorrow morning." Chu Zhuohang said.

   Ruan Weijia's hands trembled with excitement: "Then I'll send her over tomorrow."

   As long as Chu Zhuohang believed it, the rest of the matter would have to be done by the doctor.

   Ruan Weijia knew that this was a very dangerous move, but as long as the woman was arranged and Xiaochen gained the trust of him, he and his uncle would have more chances.

   As long as the situation is stable, even if it is exposed by others, as long as Xiao Chen still trusts himself, the problem is not big. If the situation is good, Chu Zhuohang's trust can be obtained.

   She thought happily about her own arrangements, but she didn't know that all of this fell into Chu Zhuohang's trap.

   As far as the strategy is concerned, she was just a plate of fish that was slaughtered at will in front of Chu Zhuohang.

   The housekeeper was on the side, and he couldn't help showing a surprised look. He knew the identity of Su Mi...

   But then I thought that when my young master was not planning and everything was under control, I felt relieved. Now, let's see how Ruan Weijia died.

   When Chu Zhuohang returned to the room, Su Mi slept in a daze.

   Feeling him leaning beside her, she reached out and hugged him: "What did Ruan Weijia say?"

   "She said that she found Xiao Chen's biological mother and will bring it tomorrow." Chu Zhuohang told Su Mi.

  Su Mi was so startled that she even woke up from a nap, sat up and asked, "What?"

  Is she dreaming or something? Isn't she Xiaochen's biological mother?

Chu Zhuohang smiled and pulled her into his arms: "Of course it can't be true. I originally wanted to expose her on the spot, but I didn't know if it was her or Ruan Lao's idea, so I wanted to wait. Ruan Lao is very much now. Arrogant, there is even a faint stance of wanting to replace me, how can I see them make mistakes if I don't give them a little space to perform?"

  Su Mi was relieved: "You scared me! Xiao Chen was born to me!"

   "You were born, who knows better than me?" Chu Zhuohang said affectionately.

   "Old Ruan is so arrogant, why don't you take Dad seriously?"

"After all, my dad has not been in charge for a long time. There is no need to trouble him with this kind of thing. I can't even hold back the elders who want to rebel, so I don't need to be the young master of the Chu family." In Chu Zhuohang's voice, Hiding the domineering self-confidence of the king.

  Su Mi of course believed him, but just thinking of that Ruan Weijia, it was really hateful, to take advantage of this kind of thing and play with other people's feelings.

   She couldn't wait to see how Ruan Weijia performed!

   "Don't be afraid, everything belongs to me." Chu Zhuohang whispered in Su Mi's ear.

   She relaxed and fell asleep slowly.

   (end of this chapter)

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