The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2596: It's full of loopholes

   Chapter 2596 is full of loopholes

   "A liar must have some skills as a liar, otherwise how can you be a liar?" Su Mi said with a smile, "But a liar is a liar after all, no matter how well you act, you can't pass the test."

  Chu Zhuohang smiled and said, "Of course. After all, my son's mother is by her side."


   After Ruan Weijia went out, she relaxed her face and said to Juliet, "Look, I told you that it's alright."

   "Is that young master really my child?" Juliet asked.

She did lose her child, and the situation was similar to Su Mi's, but the hotel where the incident happened was not actually the hotel where Chu Zhuohang was, but after Ruan Weijia's brainwashing, she really believed that Chu Zhuohang was the man. Xiao Chen is also her son.

   Ruan Weijia has a full set of acting, so even the basic information of the person who was hired to play Xiao Chen's biological mother is not all made up, so it can't be said that Juliet is good at acting, but those emotions, many of which are genuine.

   It is no wonder that in the Chu family manor, you can feel so real.

   "When the DNA is verified, you will know." Ruan Weijia said, "At that time, you can come back to take care of the young master."

"Miss Ruan, your great kindness, I really don't know how to repay you. If I recognize my child in the future, I will let him recognize you as godmother. If you have everything I have, you will have it. Don't break your promise." Juliet said very moved.

   Ruan Weijia smiled and said: "That is, I have long regarded you as a sister, your child is my child."

   Juliet was moved.

   Ruan Weijia went back to wait for news.

   In fact, her method this time can be regarded as full of loopholes.

   If Chu Zhuohang wanted to keep her to deal with Ruan Lao, he could pierce her in every link.

  Chu Zhuohang not only did not, but also explained to the doctor that he must make a certificate of DNA verification.

  The doctor didn't know where to go, but Chu Zhuohang's arrangement, he had to listen, so he sent the report in the evening.

   "Don't tell Doctor Fang about this." Chu Zhuohang ordered.

   Mainly because he was afraid that Doctor Fang would know about it, so that Mother Su also knew about these things, but was worried.

   "Master, I will be tight-lipped." The doctor nodded.

   "Go." Chu Zhuohang left a verification report.

  Su Mi opened it, glanced at it, and closed it again, no matter who it is, who wants to rob her husband and son, can't do it!

   So these few days, she simply pushed the event and did not go to the company, and has been watching the development of the situation.

  Chu Zhuohang pressed her into his arms: "I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it alone and will be taken away by someone?"

   "Yes, I'm afraid. So I have to wait and see."

   "Don't worry, I promised you that I will only be robbed by you alone, and it will be yours alone." Chu Zhuohang picked her up, "If you are worried, I can prove it to you on the spot."

   "Okay!" Su Mi kissed his forehead, "I don't mind if you prove it one more time."

   The next day, Chu Zhuohang asked the housekeeper to inform Ruan Weijia and asked her to come over, but he didn't tell her the truth on the phone.

   Even if Ruan Weijia was to get her wish for a short period of time, Chu Zhuohang had to drag her and torture her mentally to let her know that being a liar is not so easy, and the torture is much more.

   Ruan Weijia accompanied Juliet and came to Chu Family Manor again with trepidation, waiting for the result of the ruling.

   (end of this chapter)

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