The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2600: Will it put too much pressure on you

   Chapter 2600 Will it give you too much pressure

   "This is too coincidental, why haven't I heard of these things before?" Ruan Lao asked.

Ruan Weijia had already thought about the excuse: "Actually, I didn't expect it to be like this. Juliet kept telling me these things, so I would accompany her to the Chu family's manor. The DNA verification was done by the Chu family's doctor. This matter has nothing to do with me at all, I just exist as Juliet's good friend."

   The implication is that she did not lead these matters. Even if something happened in the future, it would be Chu Zhuohang's oversight, and Juliet was the deceiver, and it had nothing to do with her.

   And even if Chu Zhuohang wanted to take out his anger at others, when he thought about her ability at work and the various talents she had gathered, it was impossible for Chu Zhuohang to really treat her like that.

   Lao Lao nodded: "Then next time you come home, invite Juliet back. Since it is your friend, it is naturally a friend of our Ruan family."

  Sometimes, the truth of some things is not very important, what is important is whether this thing can bring absolute benefits to yourself.

  According to Su Mi's arrangement, Juliet did get very close to Ruan Lao and others.

   In the entire company, now Ruan Lao and Ruan Weijia are in the limelight, and they have become real powerhouses who have no competitors except for Chu Zhuohang.

   All of these are in the hands of Chu Zhuohang.

   "Will it put too much pressure on you?" Su Mi asked.

   "This pressure has crushed me. Am I still my father's son?" Chu Zhuohang laughed.

  Su Mi hugged him: "I feel sorry for you, there are so many people to deal with every day."

"Removing the tumor of Ruan Lao, you can get rid of those who need to deal with it. I just didn't expect that the first person to deal with it was actually the most loyal person who followed his father by his side. people."

"Everyone can change. Once some people gain power, they will forget their identity. Ruan Lao tried to control Juliet to achieve the goal of controlling Xiaochen and you. It is impossible to achieve. He really regards himself as an ancient the regent?"

  Chu Zhuohang said: "Yes, he has been looking for opportunities, this time is his best chance. However, I am afraid it is also his last chance."

  Everything is going on in undercurrents.

   It's just that some people have already devised a strategy, while some people have been involved in the undercurrent, but they still think that their boat is very stable.


Although    helped Chu Zhuohang handle the affairs of the Chu family, Su Mi's work did not fall behind.

   Her daily work, under the arrangement of Sister Cao, is not too busy, so she can take time to accompany Xiao Chen, but also with a little urgency, she maintains an appropriate amount of exposure and activity.

   On this day, after she finished work, she and Xiao Ke were changing clothes in the lounge. Someone shouted from outside, "Xiao Ke, go out and have a look. Someone was looking for Sister Cao outside, and the security guard blocked the door."

   "Su Mi, I'll go take a look." Xiao Ke hurriedly put down the clothes in his hand.

  Su Mi nodded and changed her clothes while waiting for Xiaoke to come back.

When   Xiao Ke went out, a tall and slender young girl was released from the security guard. She looked very young and immature, like a high school student.

   "Tongtong, why are you here? Come on, let's go over there." Xiao Ke took the girl's hand and walked in quickly.

   (end of this chapter)

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