Chapter 2628 Painful

   Su Mi only mentioned this to Chu Zhuohang when she got home at night.

   "I'm afraid I won't be able to go to Yaoshi Media for a while." Su Mi told him, "I will let Sister Cao contact the other side and explain the situation to them clearly."

  Chu Zhuohang frowned slightly: "What happened?"

Su Mi told Chu Zhuohang about Lu Tongtong: "Tongtong is Sister Cao's only daughter, and her efforts are all on Tongtong. I can't sit back and watch what happened to Tongtong and Huanxi Entertainment. Sister loves me like that, and she planned her career for the sole purpose of planning her career. Now that I have achieved results, I can't let go of her and run away by myself. It is much harder for her to solve Tongtong's affairs when I am not here."

  Chu Zhuohang knew that she was a very grateful girl. Sister Cao gave her life in her career. She wanted to repay Sister Cao, and he did not object.

   "You don't have to worry about Yaoshi Media's problem. You stay to help Sister Cao, I agree. I can help with anything, and I don't mind coming forward." Chu Zhuohang said.

"Okay. If you come forward, it's actually very easy to get back Tongtong's contract. But this girl has a relationship with her mother, and this time it was easily resolved, and there will be a second and third time, so Sister Cao and I both plan to Let her suffer a little bit and suffer a little setback. Now she listens to Brother Shui's words and feels that everything is new. Her father, grandparents and grandparents have come forward, and she won't look back. "

   For Lu Tongtong, not only Sister Cao, but Su Mi also took great pains.

  Chu Zhuohang supports Su Mi's decision this time. Anyway, Yaoshi Media is a company under him, so there is no problem at all with a little adjustment and waiting for Su Mi.

  Lu Tongtong has indeed been with Brother Shui every day since he signed the contract, and he doesn't even answer the phone calls from his family.

   Seeing that Sister Cao was in more pain, the more she felt a sense of revenge.

  Anyway, mother isn’t the most important job, so she doesn’t care about herself at all? It doesn't matter! Now that she is busy herself, she doesn't care if anyone takes care of her.

   Now it's so good, you can still make money, isn't it?

After    Brother Shui received two announcements for her, he told her: "I've picked up a scene for you, you prepare it, and after you sign it, you will join the group to shoot."

   "I, I have no experience..." At such a time, Lu Tongtong was still cowardly.

   She has never been exposed to these, and usually deals with textbooks. Do you want to actually make TV series?

   After the initial excitement has passed, she is now in a panic, what to shoot and how to shoot? What is the character building like?

   She was full of questions, but Brother Shui only said: "Just do what the director says. It's very simple, don't worry."

   "Then do I need to study first?"

   "No, you'll know when you arrive." Brother Shui said, why do you make a TV series? There is nothing at all, but she is asked to shoot a character who needs to show her back. The heroine is a popular little flower, and she doesn't want to show it.

   This kind of role can be found in the group show, but Brother Shui has been fighting with Sister Cao for a lifetime, and now he has seized the opportunity to embarrass Sister Cao, but he spared no effort to take advantage of it.

  Lu Tongtong was very nervous.

   In fact, it's best to ask your mother about this kind of thing, but the distance between her and Sister Cao prevents her from opening her mouth.

   In the company, she met Su Mi.

   (end of this chapter)

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