Chapter 2630 What should I do?

   The stylist left with the box, still muttering: "Who are these people found? If you haven't weaned yet, go home!"

   He was so busy that he couldn't even touch the ground, so he had already gone to work for other people.

  Lu Tongtong was dumbfounded and looked at Brother Shui: "Brother Shui, what should I do?"

   "What to do? Take it off or lose money."

  Lu Tongtong couldn't accept this at all, she was not mentally prepared at all, it was too far from the life she thought of in the entertainment industry.

   "How much do you want to pay?"

   "10,000 or 20,000 is always required. They gave me a contract and ordered you to come down. I have been running around a lot. What do you think of the delay?" Brother Shui asked rhetorically.

  Lu Tongtong was frightened. She ran two notices before, but she didn't get a total of 3,000 yuan. Now she will pay 10,000 or 20,000 yuan if she loses it.

   Where does she have so much money to pay?

Brother Shui said with a smile: "Okay, you don't have to worry, this time the money, it's very easy to pay for it. In the evening, we'll go have a meal with the investors and the director, and help you win a good role, one or two Isn't it so simple?"

   "What character?" Lu Tongtong asked.

   "Of course it's the main character. Look at you, you are so good, beautiful and tall, are you afraid that no one will look at you and support you?"

  Lu Tongtong already felt that something was wrong at this moment, but he couldn't say what was wrong.

   Brother Shui continued: "Don't you want to make achievements and make your mother impress you?"

   "Of course!" Lu Tongtong said immediately.

   "Get ready if you want. Come with me at night."

  Lu Tongtong and Shui Ge left together.

   When Sister Cao came to the crew, they were no longer there.

  Sister Cao naturally didn't want to let her daughter get in touch with this at a young age, and Brother Shui didn't know what An's heart was, but when she came over, it was a little late.

   She immediately inquired about her daughter's whereabouts.

   This time, it took a little longer.

   When she knew that Lu Tongtong and Brother Shui went to the hotel and had dinner with the investors, she was so angry that she rushed over.

  In the box of the hotel, there was a table full of investors with big belly, and Lu Tongtong stood inside, looking extraordinarily weak.

   Everyone's eyes were staring at her like needles, making her uncomfortable.

   "Brother Shui, I want to go back." Lu Tongtong had never experienced such a battle at all, hid behind Brother Shui and kept begging.

   This feeling of innocence made those old men laugh wildly, and they all joked: "Come on, just have a drink, what are you afraid of?"

   "That's right, come and sit next to Mr. Wang!"

   "Little young, what are you afraid of? Can we still eat you?"

   Brother Shui also pushed her out: "Lu Tongtong, if you want to get a role, you have to drink. Do you really think that resources are so easy to get?"

   "I don't want to do it anymore, you let me go." Lu Tongtong was really afraid of the current situation.

   The entertainment industry she has seen is all on the bright side. She never knew there was such a situation.

But Brother Shui didn't let her leave at all: "Do you think the entertainment industry is a place where you can come and leave if you want? Your contract has been signed, and you will lose money for breach of contract, even if you sell it. Since then. You haven't made a dime of the money the company has used for your fittings, makeup, and front and rear cars during this time, and you want to leave now?"

   (end of this chapter)

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