The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2649: Black powder fades away

   Chapter 2649 Black powder retreats

   "Yeah, yeah, isn't that dance video from the anniversary? Everyone dances together, and Su Mi also has someone to dance with, what does that mean?"

   "Wait for Huanxi Entertainment's statement! Those who spread rumors are going too far and should pay the legal price."

   "Yes, I agree, waiting for the company's statement."

  Many people are eagerly waiting for Huanxi Entertainment’s statement of rumors, and hope that someone can bring the rumors to justice. In the eyes of fans, the company still has considerable credibility.

  Who knows, I didn't wait for Huanxi Entertainment's clarification statement until the next day. Fortunately, Huanxi Entertainment said that in the evening, the company will release a public press conference.

   "This press conference is definitely for Su Mi's clarification!"

   "I believe in Su Mi, the black fans are gone!"

   "The company finally has a personality and made some personnel."

   That night, the press conference of Huanxi Entertainment was held as scheduled.

  The reporters came to the lobby of the company early in the morning to wait.

   Some fans could not help but come early, wanting to know the truth of the matter, the whole hall was full of bustling noises.

   Yao Xing, the public relations manager in the company, is Qiao Hui's confidant, and has already prepared the public relations manuscript according to Qiao Hui's request.

   However, what they didn't know was that at the same time, a press conference was being held in a high-end five-star hotel in Jingyuan.

This press conference is different from the press conference of Huanxi Entertainment. The reporters who come to participate are all invitation letters specially issued by the Chu Group. The reporters who can get such invitation letters are basically the major newspapers, the main reporter and the vice president. above the editorial level.

  Therefore, although reporters gathered here, there were relatively few discordant voices.

   Although they didn't know what kind of press conference this time was, but the Chu Group held such a press conference, no one wanted to miss it.

   So they are all eagerly waiting, what is the Chu Group going to say?

   This huge group empire is backed by the largest power system in the entire Dragon Empire, and it is also a place that everyone yearns for.

While    was waiting, everyone saw a familiar figure, it turned out to be the manager of Huanxi Entertainment, Sister Cao.

   Immediately afterwards, someone saw Su Mi.

   "So, what do they have to do with the Chu Group?"

"what is the problem?"

  I was thinking that someone came on stage, it turned out to be Xu Guangyao, the general manager of Yaoshi Media.

   Yaoshi Media, as an entertainment company, has never been noticed because they seldom participate in tearing incidents.

   However, this doesn’t mean that the artists promoted by Yao Shi Media are not good, it’s just that they are relatively low-key and don’t like hype.

  Xu Rongyao stood on the stage and said with a smile: "Everyone, thank you for participating in our press conference today. On behalf of Yaoshi Media, I thank and welcome everyone."

   "Manager Xu, Yaoshi Media, does it belong to the Chu Group?"

   After all, these reporters received invitations from the Chu Group.

   "About this, I don't need to deny that Yaoshi Media is indeed a wholly-owned subsidiary of Chu Group." Xu Rongyao said.

   "Oh, I always thought that Yaoshi Media was the property of the Xu family. Even Manager Xu had the company's name in his name."

  Xu Rongrong joked: "That's really a beautiful coincidence."

   (end of this chapter)

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