The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2651: This crushing level of chin line

   Chapter 2651 This crushing chin line

   How much wealth and fame can a female artist who is making money in such a rising period earn for Huanxi Entertainment?

   But Huanxi Entertainment would rather give up those things and openly cut the relationship with Su Mi. One can imagine how bad Su Mi is in her bones!

   It can be seen that Su Mi is so rotten that Huanxi Entertainment is so rotten that Huanxi Entertainment does not hesitate to give it up, and she has to protect herself before she can break away from the relationship. Behind Su Mi, I don’t know how many dirty things are going on. Huanxi Entertainment has already refused to give her the last fig leaf.

   Brother Shui, who was standing under the stage, had a proud look on his face, and his entire team was also cheering for this victory.

  Because, they finally defeated Sister Cao for the first time and became the best agent team of Huanxi Entertainment. In the future, they can get the best artists and the best resources, promotion and salary increase, just around the corner!

  Sister Cao once pressed down Brother Shui like a mountain, and his performance could not even beat this middle-aged woman no matter what.

   And this time, he finally raised his eyebrows.

   Hearing Yao Xing's words, all the reporters were in an uproar, "Su Mi really did these things?"

   "Su Mi this time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to turn over."

   The reporter was full of questions, and was about to continue to ask, but was caught by other news.

  Because the reporters who came to Huanxi Entertainment and their immediate bosses all went to the press conference of the Chu Group, where they got first-hand information!

Xu Guangyao admitted: "Yao Shi Media has always admired Su Mi, so we gave her an olive branch and invited her to come to the company. We highly praise Su Mi's character and talent. So today, what we want to announce is that Yaoshi Media is fortunate to have Su Mi to join! It also got Su Mi's agent to join!

   Recently, Su Mi also took the initiative to terminate the contract with Huanxi Entertainment, and got the company's termination agreement.

   I hope that in the future, Yaoshi Media and Su Mi will join hands to create a new chapter. "

   In a word, slap Yao Xing in the face!

  Slap your face and have fun!

   Yaoshi Media is low-key, but compared with Huanxi Entertainment, its financial resources and professional staff are completely crushing.

  Huanxi Entertainment took the initiative to terminate Su Mi? Ban Su Mi? Who gave them the face, also worthy?

   Next, Xu Guangyao invited the current person in charge of the Chu Group and said, "Mr. Chu is here today, and I want everyone to say a few words."

   Immediately, Chu Zhuohang's figure appeared in everyone's sight. He was wearing a decent dark gray suit, which made him look taller and calmer, and was exceptionally outstanding.

   He came into everyone's sight, making the reporter subconsciously want to keep pressing the shutter and put him in his camera.

   also made everyone want to hear his voice, because this is the man in power of the Chu Group, a man who rarely makes public appearances, and a man who stands at the top of almost most of the economic lifeline industries!

   And some reporters have already recognized his figure: "President Chu... Isn't Chu always the man who danced with Su Mi that night?"

   "Really, this standout figure, this crushing jawline, even though he wore a mask that night, he couldn't hide these too superior things."

   "Yes, and this temperament is really not something that little fresh meat in the entertainment industry can have. It turns out to be President Chu, which makes sense!"

   (end of this chapter)

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