The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2653: Kneeling and begging President Chu to debut

   Chapter 2653 Kneeling and begging President Chu to debut

He thought that he had become the first brother of Huanxi Entertainment's agent, and would crush Sister Cao in the future. Who knows, that was because Sister Cao was unwilling to compete with him on the same platform, and took Su Mi directly to Yaoshi Media. !

   Really hateful, this move by Sister Cao will undoubtedly set off Brother Shui's career, and will no longer have the slightest brilliance.

  On the Internet, Huanxi Entertainment was ridiculed a lot.

  Because all the reporters who participated in the Chu Group were at the level of authoritative editors or editors, Su Mi signed a contract with Yaoshi Media, which was written vividly and became a front page headline.

   Just happened to have Huanxi Entertainment coming out to back it up. Isn’t this the best material? Every media is holding a sigh of relief, trying to write this thing in a real and interesting way. As a result, this batch of articles has won high clicks and high readings, and is widely disseminated.

   "I dare not comment on Su Mi's character, but this press conference of Huanxi Entertainment is definitely the best joke of the year!"

   "President Chu's face is too loud. Huanxi Entertainment is really embarrassed. Shameless, deliberately pouring black water on Su Mi!"

   Soon, Su Mi's fans sorted out all the resources that Su Mi had obtained in Huanxi Entertainment since her debut, and made a post "Su Mi Slaps Her Face Huanxi Entertainment".

   The post shows that the resources that Su Mi has been able to obtain since her debut has nothing to do with Huanxi Entertainment itself.

  -"Masked Sing Sing" is Su Mi pushed by Sister Cao's own resources.

  —For the next two albums, Su Mi personally arranged the composition, lyrics and singing.

  —The subsequent endorsement resources, cooperation with other singers, and even the dress she wore were all auditions completed by her, and communication with designers.

   Everyone can't help but ask, what did you give to Su Mi? How can I be embarrassed to say how much human, material and financial resources have been paid for her?

Someone replied: "Why didn't Huanxi Entertainment give Su Mi anything? Yes, gave her the opportunity to gain popularity from the daughter of the Lin family, gave her the opportunity to bring newcomers to shows and activities, and gave her the opportunity to be banned by the entire company. Opportunity to be excluded, to be looked down upon at an anniversary event.”

When I think about it carefully, it is true. Huanxi Entertainment's cultivation of Su Mi is very limited at all. She has walked out of this path on her own. Break into the dust and announce her ban.

   "Fortunately, Yaoshi Media gave Su Mi his innocence."

   "White can never be black. With Su Mi's strength, there is no need to do all those messy things."

   "Looking forward to Su Mi's new album, let the happy and entertaining mad dog cry."

   "Come on Su Mi! We will always support you!"

   "Looking forward to Mimi's new song, I want to be with Mimi forever!"

   There is even a topic that was directly brushed on #見勝沒師網出#, and the popularity is comparable to that of Su Mi.

   "It's a pity not to debut with such a good talent! If President Chu makes his debut, I'd be willing to support him. As long as he has movie tickets and advertisements, I'm willing to open my wallet!"

   "Why do people come out and show them to us? Is it uncomfortable to earn millions of dollars every minute? What can the entertainment industry give him? The money in your wallet is not viewed by others."

   "I cried, I don't know if I can see President Chu in the future?"

   "Please look at me more! I can, I can, I can!"

   The press conferences on both sides were over, and Sister Cao showed a rare excited smile like a little girl: "It's really great, Su Mi, you finally came here after all your hard work, and even brought us a light."

   "In the future, I will ask Sister Cao to help you a lot." Su Mi smiled.

   "Everything is right for each other." Because of Lu Tongtong's incident, Sister Cao had already raised Su Mi from a work partner worthy of cooperation to a friend worthy of friendship forever.

  Su Mi asked, "What about Xiao Ke? How's her resignation report?"

   (end of this chapter)

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