The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2657: I just find him annoying

   Chapter 2657 I just think he's annoying

   Mother Su sighed: "Fortunately, I met Dr. Gu, otherwise, I really don't know what to do with your illness."

   "Su Mi is sick?" Mr. Lin asked, a little worried.

"Yeah, Mimi's body was not like this before..." Mother Su noticed that the old man beside her answered and turned back. This time, she could see the old man's face clearly, and her expression suddenly changed. .

How could this be? Isn't this Lin Delu's father, Su Mi's grandfather?

  How could he be with Su Mi? Could it be that the Lin family wanted to **** Su Mi back?

   Mother Su stared at Mr. Lin with an ugly face: "What are you doing here with Su Mi?"

   "Mom, do you know Grandpa Lin?" Su Mi hurriedly asked.

   Mr. Lin is also at a loss, Su Mi's mother, know herself?

   He didn't remember seeing such a woman, but after a closer look, it did feel a little familiar.

Mother Su thought of the hardships her sister suffered at the beginning. When she was pregnant, she was driven out by the Lin family, leaving her desperate. She could only watch Lin Delu and Jiang Shuyuan get engaged, married and pregnant when she had a big belly, leaving them orphans and widows. After tasting the bitterness, the nose can't help but sour.

  What qualifications does the Lin family have to recognize Su Mi?

Mother Su didn't want to make Su Mi sad, and immediately said: "No, I don't know him, I just think he's annoying! Didn't he have an affair with you before and it was spread everywhere? Now that he has just recovered, he came to find him again You, isn't this deliberately embarrassing you? This kind of person, Su Mi, you should not interact with her in the future."

   "Mom, do you believe the rumors outside? Don't you know who your daughter is?"

"Mom certainly believes in you, but who knows what kind of person this kind of person has in mind to approach you? Besides, there are no good people in the whole Huanxi Entertainment. You finally signed up for Yaoshi Media, so don't have contact with such people." Su mother finished. , and dragged Su Mi away.

  Su Mi had to smile apologetically at Mr. Lin. After all, Mr. Lin did not participate in Qiao Hui's framing of her, but instead spoke for her everywhere.

   Mother Su took a taxi and left. In the car, she calmed down her anger and asked, "That old man, what did you say when I found you?"

   "It's nothing, it means that his grandson was in a coma in a car accident and wanted to ask Doctor Gu for help, nothing else."

"Don't help. Have you forgotten how miserable the people of the Lin family have hurt you? If anything happens to their grandson, it's their retribution. They deserve it!" Mother Su secretly wondered if it was because of Lin Qingyuan is in a coma now, so they are willing to come and recognize Su Mi?

   How can there be such a good thing, did they care about Su Mi at the beginning? Has anyone ever asked Su Mi if she is doing well and whether she needs love and care?

  Su Mi felt that Mother Su's reaction was a bit big, but Mother Su's words were not unreasonable from the standpoint of a mother.

   So she nodded frequently and did not refute her mother.

   Mother Su continued: "In the future, you are not allowed to interact with anyone in the Lin family, understand?"

   "Got it, Mom!" Su Mi responded.

   "Then you go home directly. Today Fang Lan will bring Youyou over here. Let's have a meal together. I'll go shopping."

   "I'll accompany you to buy."

   "No, no, I'll buy it myself." Mother Su said, and got out of the car first.

   (end of this chapter)

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