Chapter 2662 Dog bites dog

  Chu Zhuohang pondered for a moment, then whispered: "So, Qiao Hui is actually the person who is most likely to know your identity?"

   If this is really the case, then everything has a reason that can be explained. It turns out that Qiao Hui's approach is not just to compete for resources and suppress artists.

   "I think so too. So even if I have left Huanxi Entertainment, I have to expose the true colors of her and Lin Xialu."

   This is not for the Lin family, Su Mi doesn't have much affection for them - except for Mr. Lin.

   But what has been received before must be returned to Qiao Hui and others.

  Why, to endure those?

   After returning from Mother Su's residence, Chu Zhuohang arranged for Xiaozhan to investigate the matter.

   I didn't investigate before because I didn't think about it at all. Who would know that Su Mi was the blood of the Lin family?

   Now that there are directions and clues, things that can be found are too easy.


  Lin Xialu knew that her identity was a problem and could not be a secret that could be hidden forever, so she also gave herself a way out.

She is now the daughter of the Lin family, and the future first sister with the best entertainment resources in Huanxi. There are naturally many suitors. She has carefully selected a rich second-generation young master, confirmed a relationship, and is running for marriage. .

   She had a wishful thinking, even if her true identity was discovered by the Lin family in the future, and she was abandoned by the Lin family, it also meant that she still had a way to go, and she would not lose everything.

  So, she was drinking with this rich second-generation young master outside, she was in a good mood, and she planned to settle the matter.

   In this way, it was a simple matter for Xiao Zhan to get her hair and do DNA verification.

As for Su Mi's DNA verification, it would be easier to do. Lin Delu is relatively mediocre and usually has nothing to do. He often visits Lin Qingyuan in the hospital to get his hair. .

   Soon, the investigation report was placed on Chu Zhuohang's desk.

   "Lin Xialu has no blood relationship with the Lin family. And you are Lin Delu's biological daughter." Chu Zhuohang handed the information to Su Mi.

Su Mi flipped through it: "Lin Xialu is an orphan, her original surname is Liu, and she shares the same surname as my biological mother and adoptive mother, so it is indeed easy for people to believe that she is me. Then this matter must be inseparable from Qiao Hui. relation.

   After all, Mr. Lin, Lin Delu and others would not be stupid enough to let a woman who has no blood relationship enter the Lin family, only Qiao Hui did this and had a direct interest in her. "

   "The only point is to see whether Qiao Hui deliberately found Lin Xialu to impersonate, or it was a coincidence." Chu Zhuohang said.

  Su Mi tends to be intentional: "It can't be a coincidence. Qiao Hui tried her best to get everything from the Lin family. The only thing that makes sense is that she asked Lin Xialu to impersonate."

"It's no wonder that the blood you left in the hospital for Gu Yunchen's test was thrown away for no reason." Chu Zhuohang nodded and said, "However, I asked Xiao Zhan to investigate the blood loss before. , there is no surveillance and no witnesses, so I don't know who took it. But now, it should be Qiao Hui and Lin Xialu who did it together."

  Su Mi put down the information: "I don't care if they bite each other, but I can't use my name to do their cowardly things."

   (end of this chapter)

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