Chapter 2972 ​​Natural Gap

   At a dinner party like this, it is natural to be staggered, laughing and cheering.

   Yingying took the initiative to help Zhuang Shihao pour the food and wine.

  Other people saw her intentions, and they all laughed without saying a word, and even took it for granted.

  To tell the truth, many men are used to this kind of thing. Among these men, how many of them have few little lovers outside? Man, you know that.

  Zhuang Shihao basically didn't drink, even the glass just now was just filled with Coke, and he didn't move the dishes that Yingying had put together.

   Yingying didn't take it too seriously, she still sat beside Zhuang Shihao with a smile on her face.

   When it was about time, Zhuang Shihao glanced at his wrist and said with a smile, "I still have something to do, everyone, excuse me for now."

   "Mr. Zhuang, please walk slowly."

   "Let's make an appointment next time when we have time."

  Yingying suddenly became a little anxious. The man in front of her was really tight. She sat here all night, and she didn't find a suitable opportunity.

   Just when she didn't know what to do, she suddenly glanced at the table where he was sitting and saw a bunch of gypsophila stars, and she said boldly, "Mr. Zhuang, is this the flower you fell?"

   "Yes, thank you." Zhuang Shihao reached for it.

   Yingying picked it up first and put it in his hand.

   "Thank you." Zhuang Shihao said again.

   Between adult men and women, some things are in the middle of this exchange, and there is an ambiguous atmosphere.

  Especially, Yingying just pointed at a bunch of gypsophila and told Zhuang Shihao, and Zhuang Shihao claimed it.

   To a certain extent, this is what the other party released and received by the other party.

  Everything that happened next seemed to happen naturally, Zhuang Shihao left on the front foot, and Yingying followed with the back foot.

   She is too familiar with the unspoken rules between men and women and the hints between the details.

   Her heart was pounding, it turned out that a man with good looks on the surface was just like that in private.

   She pulled her hair together, but she also knew that even if the man was on the bed, it would be very difficult to handle.

   His aura was too high, as if there was a natural gap with her.

   "President Zhuang!" Yingying chased after him.

  Zhuang Shihao was holding the small bunch of gypsophila in his hand, and when he saw her following, he stopped: "Is there anything else?"

   This time, Yingying was stunned.

   She showed her most beautiful smile: "This bunch of gypsophila is really beautiful."

   "Yes." Zhuang Shihao smiled, he bought it for Fang Lan, and it was naturally beautiful.

  Fang Lan likes the sky full of stars, he would take home a bunch whenever he saw it, otherwise when Yingying asked him just now, he would not have turned around to get a little something.

  Yingying said with a smile: "Mr. Zhuang, in fact, I am also fighting for your company's endorsement. Tonight... Can we find a place to have a good chat?"

   She looked at Zhuang Shihao with a moving smile, thinking that she would definitely impress the man in front of her.

   After all, when he took that bunch of flowers, he should have tacitly accepted the upcoming relationship between her and him.

  Zhuang Shihao put away his smile: "The endorsement is something that the company's publicity department will determine."

   "But as President Zhuang, no one will listen to your words, right?" Yingying stepped forward, the seductive perfume on her body exuding a charming fragrance as she walked.

   (end of this chapter)

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